As Trump’s Poll Numbers Rise, Arizona Democrats Are Getting Desperate

President Trump is six points ahead of Demented Joe in the polls. To ensure a “win” for Biden this November, Arizona’s Democrat AG has created another lawfare case straight from Orwell’s “1984.”

This is end of republic stuff and America can’t survive it

FBI/DOJ seal

The Durham investigation has concluded what most of us knew all along. There was no legal basis for the FBI’s 2016 probe into the Trump campaign or the Mueller investigation that followed. It was all a lie. The FBI, once a highly-revered American institution, teamed up with the Hillary Clinton campaign to (try to) rig …

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Rush Limbaugh Warned Us

In October 2020, just months prior to his death, Rush Limbaugh warned us that Democrats were done with elections. He said they no longer “believe they should have to persuade anybody to agree with them. … [T]here’s no question that they resent the electoral process.” What was happening at the time Limbaugh made these remarks? …

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Tranche #7 of the ‘Twitter Files’ Drops and It’s a Doozy

Independent journalist Michael Shellenberger dropped the seventh tranche of the “Twitter Files” on Monday and it was a doozy. The latest data dump portrays the FBI in the worst light yet. Agents took possession of Hunter Biden’s laptop in late December 2019 following a call from John Paul Mac Isaac, the proprietor of the small computer …

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Did Democrats Outspend Trump Funding MAGA GOP Candidates? Here’s the Numbers


I can’t decide which is scarier: That Arizona Democratic gubernatorial nominee and Secretary of State Katie Hobbs has a twin sister who looks just like her, talks just like her and is just as deceitful as she is? Or that the party currently warning voters that Republicans, particularly those affiliated with former President Donald Trump’s …

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