For the Left it’s All About Baby Killing


In my experience with politics over the last 40 years, I have learned that it doesn’t matter how good a person is on many of the issues. If they are for outright baby killing (euphemistically called abortion and via propaganda called “prochoice”), that individual, when the chips are down, will go against every other fundamental right to protect baby killing.

The Battle for the Mind Amidst Meaningless Elections

Declassified but still redacted MKULTRA document of government approval of LSD experiments on American citizens without their consent. (Public domain image / Wikimedia Commons)

I’m going to ask you to push yourself beyond all that you are and believe. I’m a staunch political conservative and I believe deeply in God, despite my fatal flaws. Every time I’m asked to look at something from another perspective, I learn to think more deeply about God and country and end up right …

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