A Case for Winged Creatures
Angels aren’t real. They can’t be. It just doesn’t make sense. How can a rational human with a working brain believe in invisible celestial creatures who all resemble Michael Landon?
Citizen Writers Fighting Censorship by Helping Americans Understand Issues Affecting the Republic.
Angels aren’t real. They can’t be. It just doesn’t make sense. How can a rational human with a working brain believe in invisible celestial creatures who all resemble Michael Landon?
Emerging from the depths of despair can feel like stepping into a new world.
Depression isolates. It whispers lies, convincing us that no one cares and that our pain is too much for others to bear.
You don’t need me to tell you that this Tuesday is an important day in the history of this country. And since I’m writing for AFNN and I’m married to the managing editor, you probably know how I’m going to vote. If we conservatives are victorious when the ballots are counted, assuming that there’s no …
The Book of Revelation can sometimes seem intimidating, filled with vivid imagery of judgment and the end times.
We live in a a scary time–wars, disease, elections, hurricanes. There’s little hope. But take a moment to consider the tiny hummingbird for inspiration.
While faith in God makes everything worth it, it doesn’t make everything easy. In fact, the faith journey is a usually a long, unpaved winding road.
Since the dawn of time, humans have feared death. The thought of our inevitable end drives many to seek ways to extend life or even achieve immortality.
Perhaps the most important thing to note is that most people today believe spirituality should be an individual, private thing, not something talked about, and certainly no one should seek to “convert” anyone else to their faith.
Are you worried that trusting in a powerful God is a waste of your time? Are you too smart to believe in a fairy tale? Take 5 minutes to consider otherwise.
Prosperity theology tells us that if we have faith (and donate to Christian ministries), we will receive financial blessings. Stop! That’s a dangerous belief!
Jesus tells us that if we have faith as small as a mustard seed, nothing is impossible. But if nothing happens when we pray, is our faith not strong enough?
This month marks another anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. For generations, this tragic story has captivated hearts and minds. The loss of the Titanic left a shaken world in disbelief and made people stop and think.
The Old Covenant and the New Covenant stand as pillars that shape the beliefs and practices of millions around the world.
According to Pew, 28% of Americans say they are atheists, agnostics, or nothing in particular. With its steady growth, the group has been labeled: “nones.”
Admittedly, I don’t have objective proof that God exists. But I have observations that without faith in his existence, civilization crumbles.
Worry. Anxiety. Depression. These disorders have reached pandemic proportions, afflicting people from all walks of life, worldwide.
Nobody understood how to navigate the endless battle to control what and how we think better than COL James N. “Nick” Rowe, who spent five years as a prisoner of the Viet Cong.
Nobody understood how to navigate the endless battle to control what and how we think, better than COL James N. “Nick” Rowe, who spent five years as a prisoner of the Viet Cong.
So many myths surround the origins and meanings behind “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” It’s challenging to trace the birth and intended message in any older song, especially one that dates to 1780. You can conduct your own research, but I’m seeing more reference to the carol being French rather than English. The idea that …