The Assassination of the President (JFK) of the United States of America Closing on 61: Implications For President Trump Part 8
There Is No Greater Risk To A Protectee Than the Anointed Protectors
Citizen Writers Fighting Censorship by Helping Americans Understand Issues Affecting the Republic.
There Is No Greater Risk To A Protectee Than the Anointed Protectors
Michael Flynn And His Teams Saved Thousands Of America’s Children From Maiming And Death In Our 21st Century Never Ending Conflicts: Our Government Rewarded Him With The “Jack Boot”
May You Be Blessed With The Gift Of Energetic, Stupid, Scheming, Grandstanding Enemies.
Conducting an Article V convention, and obtaining ratification of proposals, would be a herculean effort. But getting 38 states to agree with the necessity of imposing accountability on Washington, seems much more achievable than attempting to use the federal government to take corrective action on the federal government.
Former CIA Director John Brennan Beclowns Himself (Yawn) Again And Takes The Intelligence Community Along For The Ride
Between Woke Virtue Signaling And Selective Over The Top Reactionary Enforcement, The FBI Is An Embarrassment Tainted By Politics….
What good is freedom of the press if the media just accepts corruption in silence? That is a question most Americans answer now, by ignoring the media.
Is it just me, or does the Alec Baldwin manslaughter case seem strange? After a person was killed while working on a movie set, manslaughter charges were filed, then dropped, and then refiled. The FBI was used to test the evidence, but then the evidence was taken away from the FBI and sent to a private lab. What gives?
The Federal Bureau of Investigation was once considered the greatest investigative organization in the world. Their investigative talents and reputation were unparalleled. The mission, as stated on their website, is to ‘protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States.’ And they did. They were men and women in white shirts, clean, …
Our constitutional republic cannot survive with a federal police force which targets political opponents, applies the laws for its convenience, creates crimes to solve them, and lies with impunity to its masters.
When a dog can’t be trusted among the vulnerable, there are only three options: train it, restrain it, or put it down.
The FBI has spent years earning our distrust. Those leading the bureau have refused to address their obvious issues – behaving as if they are above accountability. But violating the public trust has consequences which they are just now learning.
Sixty Years of Government Lies, Coverup and Propaganda: To What End?
FBI: Todays Taxpayer Funded Gestapo for the Democratic Party – A Serious Look at Constitutional Concerns
The labels of domestic terrorists, extremist, and right-wing are being used by the FBI in alarming ways to target innocent Americans.
The Facts Continue to Drip and Dribble Out, but the Government Has Yet to Come Clean
What Do We Think We Know for Certain About this Conspiracy?
Too many law-enforcement officers, FBI agents included, have demonstrated that they are no longer agents of the Constitution. We need law enforcement to maintain order. But when their oath becomes irrelevant, “order” becomes tyranny.
Do or do not do: There is No Try-Yoda. Sacrificing Oneself in the Face of Need
Without equal protection, law enforcement becomes capricious. Conversely, equal protection is how minorities (ethnic, political, ideological, and otherwise) are protected from the mob.