Quick Hits On Syria – A Primer
While pictures out of Syria show people celebrating the removal of Assad, I’ll provide some key points about the factions, possible strategic consequences, and a few words of caution.
Citizen Writers Fighting Censorship by Helping Americans Understand Issues Affecting the Republic.
While pictures out of Syria show people celebrating the removal of Assad, I’ll provide some key points about the factions, possible strategic consequences, and a few words of caution.
Please stop pleading for a ceasefire as if it was a simple barfight over some meaningless disagreement. This is existential, and Israel deserves the support of the world in defending itself from these demonic enemies.
The World is on fire. This conflagration is a direct the result of poor leadership by President Biden and VP Harris along with their inability to understand and manage the fundamentals of National Power to our nation’s benefit.
What the United States has yet to understand is that most of the world is getting weary of our meddling in their internal affairs.
The war has been dragging on for seven months; Hamas and Israel are negotiating. This wasn’t ever going to be easy.
Victims included some foreign tourists and hundreds of Israeli soldiers, but the lion’s share of the day’s victims were innocent civilians, ranging in age from infancy to the elderly.
By all appearances, American Democrat party leadership is like a confused gaggle of geese running around in circles honking to the world about who’s in charge
Are you a betting man? As we look at the next six to nine months, as Americans, we know the many possibilities surrounding the coming election.
What do you call an organization that takes billions of dollars in humanitarian aid funds, and invests it in foreign private resorts and bank accounts for its elite leaders instead of improving the lives of the rank and file people under its care?
Today we honor one of the most significant presidents in the history of these United States. John F. DiLeo gives us reflections on the anniversary of the president’s birth…
The calls for a ceasefire are deafening. When should Israel pull out of Gaza and let things return to normal? As with any conflict, the answer depends upon which side you are on.
As Westerners, we tell ourselves that people are fundamentally decent; we convince ourselves that the kind of people who would slaughter families and gang-rape innocent girls simply must be a tiny minority. But we are wrong.
The press, the academics, the politicians of the world, the United Nations, all scream at Israel to stop shooting, stop fighting, give the Hamas terrorists a chance to recover, to regroup, to rebuild their terror network.
Biden didn’t cause the drought in Central America, but socialist policies in Nicaragua removed options for dealing with some of the fallout.
Demons of Hamas actually filmed themselves committing horrific crimes. Beating, beheading, raping and maiming their victims – in one particularly notorious case, driving around with one of their rape victims on display
Justice Postponed, Too Long, Is Justice Denied; John DiLeo’s Reflections on the anniversary of the death of Fidel Castro.
For the benefit of those unaware of the euphemism in the Hamas supporters’ chant, “From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free,” actually means “…shall be free of Jews.”
A growing economy needs an increase in population, but there are limits. No country can absorb so many people–with such different cultures, languages, and abilities-that quickly.
$6 billion handed over to Iranian Mullahs, like it’s candy on Halloween, seems like a page ripped straight from the “How NOT to Handle Hostages” playbook.
Using the leftist (and bogus) concept of “proportionality” in a nation’s foreign policy, is a surefire way for that country to lose wars.