Federalist 68: Selecting the President
Federalist 68 describes the Founders’ concerns over choosing our Presidents and the dangers of doing so by “popular vote.”
Citizen Writers Fighting Censorship by Helping Americans Understand Issues Affecting the Republic.
Federalist 68 describes the Founders’ concerns over choosing our Presidents and the dangers of doing so by “popular vote.”
In this episode, John Parillo discusses how James Madison a modern day Aristotle balanced powers of the three branches of the new government.
On the Legitimacy of the New Constitution, and the Very Limited Role of Government
“There are strong minds in every walk of life that will rise superior to the disadvantages of situation, and will command the tribute due to their merit, not only from the classes to which they particularly belong, but from the society in general.”
In Federalist 9 Hamilton tells us why it was important that we spent the time understanding the lessons of the Greeks and Romans.
Our Founders built a country to be governed by its people with our rights guaranteed by God, not politicians. Attn Obama: It’s called American exceptionalism.
The world is in chaos, no country is at peace. A darkness has descended over people of good will, it is as if we are watching “The Lord of the Rings.”
What is the main underlining of the American form of government? The People of course
The Framers of our Constitution were well-read. The the book they read are the source of many concepts used to draft our Declaration of independence.
Now is the time to revisit our American principles of liberty and then, talk about a recipe for American revival based upon them.