A Good Guy with a Gun and the Golden Minute, Part 2
When it comes to the safety of our children in schools, individual Americans are the last line of defense, not 535 legislators hundreds of miles from the issue.
Citizen Writers Fighting Censorship by Helping Americans Understand Issues Affecting the Republic.
When it comes to the safety of our children in schools, individual Americans are the last line of defense, not 535 legislators hundreds of miles from the issue.
The Golden Minute is the time period where a good guy with a gun arrives in time to prevent a single shooting from becoming a mass murder.
The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution was designed with the vision that citizens could bear arms to protect themselves and, if necessary, resist tyranny.
Let’s take a moment to thank the Almighty that no conservative has done anything monumentally stupid with a firearm in recent history.
No matter how many times they are slapped down by the U.S. Supreme Court, Democrats never look at 2nd Amendment rights as “settled law.”
Why is it when a mass shooting occurs outside the US, it drops off the media quickly? Because it does not fit the template?
In the global tapestry of firearm culture, two nations stand out with distinct approaches – the United States and Switzerland.
Instead of jumping to the wrong conclusions…again, why don’t we let the process proceed and find out what happened in the Maine shooting.
In the wake of recent events that have sent shockwaves through our communities and across the globe, we find ourselves grappling with the age-old struggle between good and evil, often personified in the most unexpected individuals.
It’s not the object, the tool use to commit the crime. It’s the criminal who is not deterred who commits the crime. People generally don’t blame inanimate objects for the actions of the people who handle them. We don’t prosecute or sue General Motors for the criminal actions of the driver of one of their …
I’ve always contended that being really smart and honest, was a prerequisite to pinning on that first and subsequent stars. Lately, I’m not so sure.
The inconvenient truth is, today we blame the object (firearm) instead of discussing the underlying problem, holding people accountable for their actions.
In recent years, the debate surrounding gun control has intensified, with calls for stricter regulations in the name of public safety.
Joe Biden unwittingly provided a very convincing argument, that we would be fools to ever allow ourselves to be disarmed.
In the shocking carnage alongtheu road to Kiev, one vehicle stood out, emblazoned with white, spray painted letters: “WOLVERINES.”
History tends to repeat itself, so it is said. The question is, do we ever learn from it? of course, as we’ve seen, history itself indicates, NO.
There has been, understandably, a lot of talk about semi-auto firearms lately, and a lot of pixels have been spilled on the topic on both sides of the Second Amendment debate. Unsurprisingly, there are plenty of people on both sides getting a lot of basic things wrong. And in case anyone reading this is not …
Law enforcement’s inability to protect us from the thug on the street is not a response-time problem. It is a natural and necessary outcome of our governing philosophy.
Conservatives oppose gun control laws for two simple reasons–1) proposed laws won’t lead to a reduction in gun violence; and 2) they violate the Constitution.
The Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms, but unfortunately not all those who bear arms today are responsible.