What! Is Bill Kristol Running Our Foreign Policy?

There was a no-win question asked on the fourth-grade playground at Mt Sterling Elementary School when I attended, back in the days of quill pens and inkwells: If you were up to your neck in [insert vulgar term for feces here], and someone threw a bucket of [insert slang term for urine here] at your …

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Hamas Leadership Beats Feet to Turkey

It has frequently been noted that the top Hamas leadership lived not in Gaza, but in wealth and safety in Doha, Qatar. The Qatari government told them to find someplace to stay, so most of them have headed for Turkey. A lot of their families live there, but I have to wonder how long the Turkish government will put up with these cretins.

Have Governments-in-Exile Ever Achieved Liberation For Their Countries?

William Teach of The Pirate’s Cove reported that, now that Yahya Sinwar has been sent to his 72 bacha bazi boys in Jahannam, the so-called ‘Palestinian Authority’ in Judea and Samaria are calling for a ceasefire. No Westerner can truly comprehend what passes for ‘thinking’ among the Arabs, but at least to me, it sounds …

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What Would ‘Palestine’ Be Like if Hamas and Hezbollah Won?

Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie is, according to his Wikipedia biography: an Indian-born British-American novelist. His work often combines magic realism with historical fiction and primarily deals with connections, disruptions, and migrations between Eastern and Western civilizations, typically set on the Indian subcontinent. Rushdie’s second novel, Midnight’s Children (1981), won the Booker Prize in 1981 and …

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COEXIST, Part 1: Framing the Issue

I frequently see cars with the “Coexist” bumper sticker. When I see them, I often wonder about the person who put the bumper sticker on their car. Why? Are they true believers or virtue signalers? When situations get complicated like that of Israel and Hamas, how will they act? This article, part 1 of 5, provides an introduction and frames the issues.

Yahya Sinwar is Afraid of the Death He Inflicted On So Many Others

Following the extermination — I will not use the word assassination to reference the killing of a cockroach — of Ismail Haniyeh as the political leader of Hamas, the leadership of the terrorist group decided that Yahya Sinwar should be their new Fearless Leader. Well, now the distinguished Mr Sinwar has added a new demand …

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Dead Man Walking: #Hamas Choose Yahya Sinwar as New Political Leader

Following the extermination — I will not use the word assassination to reference the killing of a cockroach — of Ismail Haniyeh as the political leader of Hamas, the leadership of the terrorist group decided that Yahya Sinwar should be their new Fearless Leader. Israel had long ago declared that that Mr Sinwar is a …

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Karma Comes for Ahmed Hassan Salame Alsauarka: Another 72 Virgins Assigned to Duty

Far too many of the leaders of Hamas have been hiding outside of Gaza, safely ensconced in Lebanon, Egypt, and Qatar. Ismail Haniyeh, net worth $4 billion, is the ‘Chairman of Hamas Political Bureau,’ and has been living a life of luxury in Qatar. Apparently alone among the top leadership, Yahya Sinwar is believed to …

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