Speaking of Heretics…
I’ll say one thing for Nancy Pelosi, she’s reliable. Whatever the issue may be, she can be counted on to take the wrong position, each and every single time.
Citizen Writers Fighting Censorship by Helping Americans Understand Issues Affecting the Republic.
I’ll say one thing for Nancy Pelosi, she’s reliable. Whatever the issue may be, she can be counted on to take the wrong position, each and every single time.
News organizations and their leftist followers screech to high heavens when there is a mass shooting-uniess the shooter is a member of a protected demographic.
While some folks passionately advocate for gun control, they seem to have a different set of rules when it comes to their own security.
Gaslighting, bold faced lies, and other techniques are what the Democrats use to get minority voters to support them. Even if the Democratic Party is their worst enemy.
Art Cole expounds on statues and stuff…the inanity of the leftist claim that removing them will make your problems disappear.