Modern Notions of Invasion: Addressing the Complexities of Asylum Seekers and National Security

In the past, the idea of invasion often conjured images of military forces storming beaches or crossing borders in overt acts of aggression.

Challenging the Supreme Court’s Overreach: The Razor Wire Ruling and State Sovereignty

The recent Supreme Court decision to allow the removal of Texas’ border razor wire fencing, in a narrow 5-4 ruling, has sparked a significant debate about state rights and federal overreach, particularly in the context of border security. This decision not only challenges the principle of state sovereignty but also overlooks an essential constitutional provision: …

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Turning the border against Trump; Democrats and RINOs desperately try to wipe the open borders off their shoes

If President Trump wins in November, he can thank Texas Governor Greg Abbott for the win. No one has done more to change public opinion about Biden’s Open Borders policy than Abbott.

A Seafaring Solution: Housing Illegal Immigrants on Navy Aircraft Carriers for a Secure Future

Rather than resorting to makeshift arrangements in hotels, airport floors, or public school gyms, the proposal suggests repurposing Navy aircraft carriers and ships as floating sanctuary facilities.

Republicans sell out America Just as the immigration battle nears victory, the Party of the Bushes caves in

The public finally rose against illegal immigration and the invasion by immigrants — only to have these Trikki Nikki-level Faux Conservatives sell us out.

After the Wall Is Built

If a Republican POTUS can be elected in Nov 2024, IF, and when that Republican Prez builds the Wall across our border with the Cartels, then what? There’ll be almost 30m illegal aliens in America. Many have been here for decades.