The Task Ahead


The Task Ahead; The Patriots Challenge As we celebrate the 4th of July and thank God for His hand upon our country and the freedom that we enjoy we need to remind ourselves of the sacrifices made by those first patriots. Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of …

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A Birthday Wish List for the U.S. Army

It is the U.S. Army’s 248th birthday, time to make a wish and blow out the candles. Not long after America’s Revolutionary War began in April 1775, an appeal was made to all thirteen states to join in the struggle for American liberty. The result was the delegates of the Second Continental Congress meeting in Philadelphia. They …

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Abuses, Then and Now

Thomas Jefferson

“When in the Course of human events…” The document which started us on the path to liberty stands in stark contrast to the path that we are on. Let’s look at some of the charges made against King George III. Specifically, at five abuses within the Declaration that triggered our rebellion and what they might …

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On Independence Day, a Comparison of President Biden To King George

King George King Biden

The second Continental Congress adopted a Declaration of Independence of July 4th, 1776, a summary of the political thought that had evolved over the centuries regarding the freedoms of man.  Thomas Jefferson in his genius added teeth to the Declaration so that the document should stand the test of time.  Perhaps this 4th of July, the citizens of …

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