Pacific Palisades- Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes
It’s a tragic reality that when leftists do stupid things, they drag the innocent down with them. The wildfire at Pacific Palisades is a case in point.
Citizen Writers Fighting Censorship by Helping Americans Understand Issues Affecting the Republic.
It’s a tragic reality that when leftists do stupid things, they drag the innocent down with them. The wildfire at Pacific Palisades is a case in point.
That may or may not be true, but there is no denying that the Democrat Party was hijacked by the extreme progressives and took a hard turn to the left.
The latest example of how the “leaders” on left often lack academic and real-world experience
To the rabid left, the U.S. Constitution is like that annoying friend who always insists on following the rules.
Here is but a partial list of the various “truths” promulgated by the leftists who believe that solipsism is a valid substitute for syllogism:
One has to wonder why Americans haven’t yet figured out the progressive’s playbook when it comes to illegal immigration.
The Great U.S. Culture War has arrived at irreconcilable differences. Four Judicial cases show and tell how far apart we are.
The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy – What the Cycles of History Tell Us about America’s Next Rendezvous with Destiny.
If you are seeking liberty by attempting to clean up the government or politicians you will be scrubbing for a while and will probably not get much done.
I am neither a psychologist nor have had any education in that direction, but maybe that is a good thing. Through over-analyzing anything, one can twist a simple problem into mental blankness and in the process, refuse to see reality. Through many years of life’s experiences and using the rarest of rarities, common sense, I …
My friend, Tom Miller in Birmingham, Alabama, and I have similar reactions to the news coming out of Washington, D.C. Just last week, we both heard the Raggedy Ann mop-head press secretary of the current administration, bragging mind you, that Biden has the most diverse cabinet in the history of presidential cabinets. Well, that touched …