How Trump uses Birdbrain Trikki Nikki is a reminder of how awful the Republican Party is

Trump’s right. She is a birdbrain. If Trump falters, the nomination will not go to her simply because she is the runner-up. Instead of suffering Haley Tosis, Republicans will nominate the best MAGA available. The woman just leaves a bad taste in everyone’s mouths.

Nikki Haley’s Victory Speech

Minutes after the last polls closed at 8 p.m. in the New Hampshire Republican primary on Tuesday night, Fox News projected former President Donald Trump as the winner. Yet, 10 minutes later, former ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley delivered what sounded an awful lot like a victory speech to her supporters. One would …

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Given the Uproar Over DeSantis’ Campaign Launch, One Might Think He Poses a Threat

Methinks they protest too much. It took about a nanosecond for the legacy media, former President Donald Trump, and his rivals for the GOP presidential nomination to pounce following the launch of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ campaign on Wednesday evening. True, the technical glitches which delayed the livestream event weren’t exactly ideal and it was …

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