National Intelligence Folly: How a Tragic Unsolved Murder Led to Billions of Dollars of Program Fraud, Waste and Abuse Part 22: Twenty Years and Counting Since the GAP Study Reported Out

It was 20 years ago (18 October 2002) the Director of Central Intelligence was briefed on the results of his tasker to the National Reconnaissance Office and the National Imagery and Mapping Agency to assess the NRO Future Imagery Architecture Program and determine the risk for a gap in intel capability due to its schedule delays.

National Intelligence Folly: How a Tragic Unsolved Murder Led to Billions of Dollars of Program Fraud, Waste and Abuse Part 9

First 8 articles recap, Sputnik flies, U2 and SR-71 are developed, Corona project is the first space reconnaissance system, Doc’s space-time continuum is disrupted.

National Intelligence Folly: How a Tragic Unsolved Murder Led to Billions of Dollars of Program Fraud, Waste and Abuse Part 5

NRO declassified, NIMA established, Clapper becomes NIMA Dir, USGIF Symposium and GEOINT Functional Manager role established. Murder of Tina Ricca shakes up national intelligence, NRO DIR Harris, and Dep DIR Jimmie D. Hill are fired

National Intelligence Folly: How a Tragic Unsolved Murder Led to Billions of Dollars of Program Fraud, Waste and Abuse Part 4

NGA Director Lt Gen (USAF, Ret) James R. Clapper is fired by SECDEF Rumsfeld for not toeing the party line, USDI Cambone finesses moving a lot of agency funding over to the DNI/NIP while pressing the case that they should stay under DoD, the Murder of Tina Ricca has a ripple effect in the National Intelligence Community that leads to the discovery of the new NRO building and the firing of leadership

National Intelligence Folly: How a Tragic Unsolved Murder Led to Billions of Dollars of Program Fraud, Waste and Abuse Part 3

Secretary Rumsfeld’s USDI gambit, Clapper and Hagel face-off on Peloozi and Obama’s Sequestration follies that screw over civil service workers, NRO DIR Sapp is lied to much like former DIR Bruce Carlson, the Tina Ricca murder is a puzzlement to congress and Fairfax County reopens it as a cold case.