Political Parody As a Weapon Part CXXI
The rapier wit of Albert Constantine Jr, returns from a long sabbatical in: Parody As a Weapon Part CXXI; Maybe Lucy had a good reason to keep Charlie from kicking the football.
Citizen Writers Fighting Censorship by Helping Americans Understand Issues Affecting the Republic.
The rapier wit of Albert Constantine Jr, returns from a long sabbatical in: Parody As a Weapon Part CXXI; Maybe Lucy had a good reason to keep Charlie from kicking the football.
More rapier wit from Albert Constantine Jr, as he ably skewers the ineptness of our National Command Authority
Parody As a Weapon Part CXIII; I am Biden, hear me squawk, if they let me out to talk. More parody from the rapier wit of Albert Constantine Jr.
Albert Constantine Jr does it again in: You can’t hurry votes. You just have to wait. Votes don’t come easy- they’re a game of give and take.
Today, Albert Constantine Jr enlists the help of the Doobie brothers to take President Joe Biden to task on his open and notorious corruption.
From the rapier wit of Albert Constantine Jr, AFNN’s Paul Shanklin: Political Parody As a Weapon Part XCVI-Maybe I know that Lia’s cheating, maybe I know that Lia’s a boy- the sport he’ll destroy.
In what can only be described as a monumental achievement in societal transformation, the removal of a Confederate statue of Robert E. Lee has miraculously solved all of humanity’s problems.
Political Parody As a Weapon Part XCV; She tells lies, she tells lies, she tells lies- Cocaine!
Political Parody As a Weapon Part XCIV; Grandpa, does your dog bite- No, child, no (at least since Major was taken from the White House).
PoliticalParody As a Weapon Part XCIII; But, Dad, I’m listenin’ to Smokey! Last week, in Part XCII, Hunter Biden was taken to task for his fatherhood failures. This week, there will be a bit of an examination of the Biden scion’s fatherhood successes, as least as far as his dad’s name is concerned. As the news …
Political Parody As a Weapon, Part LXXXVII; “A predictable sad ending to an investigation that never should have taken place.”
The U.S. Navy since 2022, has been using a drag queen as one of its digital ambassadors to help it meet its shortfalls in recruiting.
Political Parody As a Weapon Part LXXXV; Whatever happened to John Cougar? Albert Constantine Jr. blasts Joe Biden with “Cherry Bomb.”
Parody As a Weapon Part LXXXIII; The problem with folk music is with the folks that sing it. The lofty ideals they sing, belie the stark reality they impose.
Parody As a Weapon Part LXXVIII; Better dead than Commander Red? Last week, in Part LXXVII, the true face of Joe Biden as the offspring of the father of all lies was examined. This week, we will turn west from the Washington, D.C. (as well as west from Greenville or Rehoboth Beach, DE) and head to …
Political Parody As a Weapon Part LXX; In a matter of kettles and pots or geese and ganders, who gets the apples and oranges? Last week in Part LXIX, we compared the records on prevarications by the current occupant of the White House and a potential protegee in Congress. This week, we will compare the records …
Political Parody As a Weapon Part LXVIII; This week, we will look at New Years past and yet to come through the lens of song parody.