The Stasi State In Action: The Flynn Documentary-the Railroading Of LTG Michael T. Flynn, US Army (Ret) And His Son: Obama And His Swampy Deep State Liars Perform a Takeout

Michael Flynn And His Teams Saved Thousands Of America’s Children From Maiming And Death In Our 21st Century Never Ending Conflicts: Our Government Rewarded Him With The “Jack Boot”

NATO revived Russia; Putin’s army gained combat experience. NATO leaders gained kickbacks from Zelensky

Over the weekend, Republicans and Democrats in Congress alike borrowed another $60 billion — $60,000,000,000 — to give to Ukraine, a nation known for pretty women and large bribes to the spawn of Biden, Pelosi and other DC scum.

Of course you interview Putin; The media now opposes freedom of the press. We live in Bizarro

Tucker Carlson announced on Twitter that he will be interviewing Vladimir Putin. It will be posted on Twitter. Carlson explained why: “Here’s why we’re doing it. First, because it is our job. We’re in journalism. Our duty is to inform people.” He went on for another four minutes but in 20 words, he gave the …

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Russia v Ukraine: Russia’s Failures in Logistics

The Russia v Ukraine dust-up is continuing apace, and Vladimir “Yes I’m former KGB” Putin has made a rare admission – that the Russian Army is running out of modern equipment.  Business Insider has the news: Russian President Vladimir Putin has admitted that the Russian military needs to modernize its weapons if it is to …

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Ukraine and Russia Are Violating Ban on Chemical Weapons Use in War – Is It Accelerating?

Vladimir Putin

Ukraine and Russia have violated the ban on chemical weapons use in war, but has Ukraine gone a step further?  Both Ukraine and Russia signed and ratified the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention. Article I (5) of the Convention states: “Each State Party undertakes not to use riot control agents as a method of warfare.” Article …

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Biden Totally Wrecks Ukraine Response

President Biden, President Putin

It has been 11 months since Russia invaded Ukraine; When it became clear that Putin was contemplating an invasion of the Ukraine, Biden misplayed all of his cards.  Instead of calling Putin’s bluff and sending as much military assistance to Ukraine as quickly as possible, Biden basically invited the Russian dictator to take the northeast portion …

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My thoughts On The Brittney Griner Release

President Biden, President Putin

It’s not often I get PO’ed, but the Brittney Griner release has me in that mode. But what really fires me up are those athletes who would kneel for the national anthem. To them I say, that’s your right, but for the sake of all of us who don’t support your childish behavior, please give …

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Russia’s Says West Seeking to Militarize Southeast Asia

On Sunday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the West is “militarizing” southeast Asia to contain Russian and Chinese interests, foreshadowing a confrontation between Russia and Western leaders at the G20 summit in Bali. The Kremlin stated that President Vladimir Putin was too preoccupied to attend the summit, so Russia will be represented by …

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How Can the American Left So Blithely Want to Increase the Chances of a Nuclear War?

The argument is always the same: “if we don’t do this now, it will harm American security in the future.” If only people realized that what we are doing now is already harming American security! From The Philadelphia Inquirer: If they win, MAGA Republicans will push to abandon Ukraine and harm U.S. security. GOP candidates, …

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