Satire: Breaking News: Israel to Sue Egypt for Slavery Reparations – Let the Pyramids Pay Up!

In a jaw-dropping turn of events, it seems that Israel is planning to take Egypt to court for slavery reparations. That’s right, folks! Forget about centuries-old injustices and focus on the true matters of the day – mummies and pyramids paying up!

CA Reparations Committee Approves Recommendations Costing Nearly 3X State’s Annual Budget

On Saturday, a California reparations task force approved a package that, if passed by the legislature, would cost $800 billion, or nearly three times the state’s annual budget. Although the new proposal did not state the size of the payments, an earlier version called for eligible blacks in the state to receive cash (or its …

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Target Customer Demands Reparations, Gets Punched by Security Guard

The New York Post reviewed the police report of an incident that occurred at a Blue Ash, Ohio, Target store in October. Upon hearing that her bill totaled over $1,000, customer Karen Ivery became irate and demanded that it be paid by reparations. Ivery became so aggressive during her encounter with the manager, the store’s loss …

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