World War III Watch: Will American/NATO Weapons Be Used Against North Korean Troops Inside Russia?

My site noted, four days ago, that there were roughly 3,000 North Korean troops ‘undergoing training at military bases in eastern Russia’, and that John Kirby, a spokesman for the National Security Council, said those troops would become “legitimate military targets” if they should be used in the Russo-Ukrainian War. Now those troops aren’t quite …

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World War III Watch: North Korean Troops Are ‘Training’ in Russia

With the presidential election only twelve days away, this story is not getting nearly as much traction as it should have. From The Washington Post: North Korean troops are in Russia, would be ‘legitimate targets’ in Ukraine, U.S. says Citing newly declassified intelligence, the Biden administration said that at least 3,000 personnel are undergoing combat …

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World War III Watch: Warmongers Gotta Warmonger!

We noted, just a couple of days ago, that American newspapers were starting to go all-out neoconservative in wanting to expand American and NATO involvement in the Russo-Ukrainian War. The Philadelphia Inquirer’s chief warmonger, Trudy Rubin, wants NATO to take in Ukraine, saying: This is the moment when NATO members, led by Biden, should be …

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World War III Watch: The Neocons Are At It Again!

I have said it before: There has been a whole lot of World War II thinking applied to the Russo-Ukraine War — or perhaps I should call it Russo-Ukraine War 2.0, considering Russia’s seizure and annexation of part of Ukraine in 2014 — with the logic that pushed the United Kingdom and France to declare war …

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WW3 Watch: Neocons Who Never Served Are Calling an Iraq War Veteran “Chicken” Because He Doesn’t Want the US Involved in Ukraine

Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) served in the United States Navy, and his military record, via Wikipedia, is shown at the right. Not in combat himself, he nevertheless saw what happened to our soldiers and Marines in the meatgrinder that was Fallajuh. Bill Kristol, born on December 23, 1952, is the son of Irving Kristol, who …

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How Can the American Left So Blithely Want to Increase the Chances of a Nuclear War?

The argument is always the same: “if we don’t do this now, it will harm American security in the future.” If only people realized that what we are doing now is already harming American security! From The Philadelphia Inquirer: If they win, MAGA Republicans will push to abandon Ukraine and harm U.S. security. GOP candidates, …

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Is Putin’s ‘Partial Mobilization’ a Feint? Something Big Is Happening in Russia


There is no doubt the Ukrainian military has made some spectacular gains in recent weeks. But predictions of a Ukrainian victory in this conflict are premature and may even be a bit naive. After watching Putin operate over the past couple of decades, it’s pretty clear that unless he is removed from power by his …

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Mitt’s Madness

Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee, after having said that Russia was (then) the biggest geopolitical threat facing the United States, then-President Barack Hussein Obama, in their third presidential debate, hit back: A few months ago, when you were asked what’s the biggest geopolitical threat facing America, you said Russia. Not al Qaeda. You …

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Intel Leaks Point to Deeper US Involvement; US Helped Ukraine Kill Russian Generals, Sink ‘Moskva’

The Pentagon refused to facilitate Poland’s offer of MiG-29s to Ukraine in March due to fears the move would escalate tensions with Russia, drawing the U.S. into a hot war with a nuclear power. But the latest leaks from U.S. intelligence officials to the media suggest our involvement is already much deeper than previously thought. On Wednesday, …

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