This is a 40 Year Fight…or More

The Great U.S. Culture War became an open Kultur Kampf in 1962. It took 60 years for one side, called “Commies” for short, to reach the top of institutions which define American Civilization by controlling our culture. It’ll take at least 40 years to pull the Commies down from the top and pull them up branch and root to win America back.

“We Will Bury You!” Was Nikita Khrushchev Right?

Nikita Khrushchev is usually remembered as the combative premier of the Soviet Union during the days of Sputnik and the Cold War. He’s also the Soviet leader who went toe to toe with John F. Kennedy during the 1962 Cuban missile crisis. But Khrushchev is also remembered for four words he spoke during a diplomatic …

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