End income tax, starve the beast It is your money, not the government’s
State income taxes are small compared to the ravenous federal income tax which gobbles more than $2 trillion a year from the nation’s economy, or roughly 10% of the GDP.
Citizen Writers Fighting Censorship by Helping Americans Understand Issues Affecting the Republic.
State income taxes are small compared to the ravenous federal income tax which gobbles more than $2 trillion a year from the nation’s economy, or roughly 10% of the GDP.
Governments are empowered to tax for limited and legitimate functions. Not to “spread the wealth around.”
Taxation has long been a contentious issue in American society, stirring debates over tax burdens, government spending, and economic fairness.
John Parillo walks us through Federalist 44 and 45 and the Limits of State’s Sovereignty and the Preservation of State’s Rights
The sheer number of federal employees today compared to 1913 provides a tangible measure of government expansion.
In Michigan, the current property tax rules present a glaring violation of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) principles
It’s time to repeal the 16th Amendment and it’s direct taxation of American Citizens. It’s time to once again place state governments between their citizens and the Federal leviathan.
Big government requires big taxes. It’s time to stop income tax, reduce government waste, and protect people’s rights.
On March 23, Biden signed us all up for another 1.2 trillion dollar credit card. This, following the 1.7 trillion dollar debt we were shackled with in December.
Taxation has been a part of human civilization since its inception. While all governments need funding to provide essential services, not all taxation methods are created equal. Some taxes are progressive, while others are regressive. In this article, we will argue that the only fair and just form of taxation is a consumption-based tax. The …
For over 200 years we’ve elected representatives who have bled us financially to an extent that would have rendered old King George green with envy.
Who is John Galt? In Ayn Rand’s classic novel Atlas Shrugged, she described a future world in which proliferating regulations and restrictions progressively rob the world’s most productive people of the fruits of their labor. One such person (John Galt) offended that he was denied the rewards of his work, swore that he would “stop …
A government that guarantees the blessings of equal treatment under the law, for the people to be secure in their rights, their liberty and their property?