A 1400-Year-Old Enemy Kills Again
Late at night, during New Year’s Eve celebrations in New Orleans, an islamofascist mass murderer drove into a crowd, mowing down as many innocent revelers as he could, then got out and started shooting.
Citizen Writers Fighting Censorship by Helping Americans Understand Issues Affecting the Republic.
Late at night, during New Year’s Eve celebrations in New Orleans, an islamofascist mass murderer drove into a crowd, mowing down as many innocent revelers as he could, then got out and started shooting.
As New Orleans reels from the devastating terrorist attack that claimed innocent lives, one thing is abundantly clear: terrorists have been hard at work while the FBI has been on a Trump-finding expedition.
The October surprise this year isn’t the media calling Trump Hitler and his supporters Nazis — or some chick in her 50s claiming Trump touched her 30 years ago.
Bin Laden’s goals and aspirations, as articulated in the speech, revolve around expelling American military forces from Muslim territories.
Last week Merrick Garland announced the arrest of 18-year-old Idaho resident Alexander Scott Mercurio. Mercurio for terrorism. I’m a resident of Idaho. It is my community that the feds supposedly protected with Mercurio’s arrest. But given recent events, I responded to his arrest with more curiosity than gratitude.
Despite the end of apartheid and the transition to democracy in South Africa, the legacy of necklacing continues to haunt the collective memory of the nation.
It is axiomatic that terrorist organizations recruit operatives who have clean backgrounds and interview well. The smart terrorist will have pre-check added to their travel plans.
Extremism knows no religious boundaries, and it can manifest in various forms, causing harm and perpetuating misconceptions about entire faith communities.
The two state solution already exists. One side Israel) flourishes and provides food, fuel and water to the other (Gaza/Hamas) while the other side sits around the house collecting welfare checks from Iran and making rockets
For many Christians, the Bible provides guidance on matters of justice, order, and societal protection.
Here is a compendium of American Free News Network top stories for the week of October 9th through October 15th.
While we are preoccupied with Israel’s newly declared war on Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists in the Middle East, we should also worry about the 160 mostly young males listed on America’s terror watch list who were stopped this year, by Federal agents from entering the U.S.—the highest number ever.
The world has been wrestling with the Palestinian problem since Israel was formed in 1948. All attempts at appeasement have failed – as they inevitably do when seeking peace with those uninterested in peace.
The recent Hamas attack on Israel needs to be understood within the context of larger geopolitical dynamics, particularly involving Iran, the US, and Russia
Like many, the remainder of my career would be defined by conflict. For me, it started two weeks later with a deployment to North Africa, then two deployments to Afghanistan.