Conservative Catholics Oppose Vatican’s World Children’s Day Featuring Drag Performer

Chuck Cordak: The Vatican’s decision to include a drag performer in its World Children’s Day celebrations has sparked significant controversy, particularly among conservative Catholics.

Libs reconsider tranny surgery; American ambulance chasers may save a generation of confused kids

All opinion pieces in the New York Times now reflect the opinion of the paper’s staff after the staff succeeded in getting an editorial page editor fired after running a column by Senator Tom Cotton.

Transurrection Part II

Part one of Montana’s Transurrection is the only accurate eyewitness account of what happened in the Montana legislature when radical leftists showed their willingness to act violently and disrupt the business of all Montanans on April 24th. In part one, I described what I witnessed outside the Capitol building and then in the House gallery. …

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A Male Lesbian’s Take–An Ongoing Domestic Cognitive War

The America I knew as a young man, was a country in which you could grow up to be anything you wished. My how that is now truer today, than ever before, but not in a good way. Today, no matter who you are, you can grow up to be literally “anything” you wish, given …

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Ideology Trumps Common Sense


I recently saw the comments of Admiral Rachel Levine, the Assistant Secretary of Health, on the “Transgender Day of Visibility.” She said this four days after a transgender man murdered 3 teachers and 3 children (aged 9) in a Nashville, TN Christian school. “As a proud transgender woman, I celebrate Transgender Day of Visibility by …

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