A bombshell revelation flew under the radar last week; Now it cannot be ignored

New York Times columnist Ezra Klein revealed last week that top Democrats had privately admitted to him that former President Donald Trump is not actually a threat to democracy. Considering this narrative has been the centerpiece of the Democrats’ nine-year gaslighting campaign against Trump, this bombshell revelation should have been shouted from the rooftops. Regarding …

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The Democratic Party is leading an assault on America from within

May 6, 2019 Article: "Uncle Joe Is Showing Signs Of Dementia"

Following his train wreck of a debate with former President Donald Trump, President Joe Biden sat for what was widely viewed as a “make-or-break” interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos. The 22-minute exchange, recorded on Friday afternoon in Madison, Wisconsin, and aired that night, did not go well. Although it didn’t create quite the stir …

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