Watching the left lose
This is your country on Donald Trump. This is your country on Joe Biden. Any questions?
Citizen Writers Fighting Censorship by Helping Americans Understand Issues Affecting the Republic.
This is your country on Donald Trump. This is your country on Joe Biden. Any questions?
I won’t call this a struggle between good and evil. I mean, it is, but I won’t call it that.
If this debate is the end of democracy, Godspeed CNN. Let’s return to having a constitutional republic where mobs ginned up by the partisan press don’t always get their way.
Spring is in the air. The weather is getting milder by the day. But many people are getting nervous.
The Commies can be partially restrained by the Senate and free States. I’m just not going to vote for a Barrabas. Nor will I try to return a Saul to power.