Trump has them on the run; “Inside the Terrifyingly Competent Trump 2024 Campaign.”

Democrats have succeeded in keeping The Donald away from campaigning by tying him up in phony prosecutions, but the strategy has backfired; it has given his campaign staff free rein to win the election for him.

America wants Biden vs. Trump; Democrats think it is a cinch. Trump supporters want a do-over.

Biden vs. Trump is the battle Americans publicly say they don’t want, but really do. Americans know that we must determine whether or not we will have government that protects our rights or one that gives us things.

Quo Vadis, Atticus?

This article is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the view of AFNN Ed The whither this Atticus goes this election year, is to refuse to vote for Trump or Biden or any other Democrat.  The path of life-long learning and living brought me to this crossroads and marks my way …

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