World War III Watch: Will American/NATO Weapons Be Used Against North Korean Troops Inside Russia?

My site noted, four days ago, that there were roughly 3,000 North Korean troops ‘undergoing training at military bases in eastern Russia’, and that John Kirby, a spokesman for the National Security Council, said those troops would become “legitimate military targets” if they should be used in the Russo-Ukrainian War. Now those troops aren’t quite …

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World War III Watch: We Have a President Sinking Into Dementia Taking These Decisions

I saw the hints of this story on Twitter, but it seemed so insane that I was determined to find a credentialed media, a liberal credentialed media source before I would comment on or believe it. Well, the Grey Lady certainly fits the definition of a liberal credentialed media source, and the idea is simply …

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NATO revived Russia; Putin’s army gained combat experience. NATO leaders gained kickbacks from Zelensky

Over the weekend, Republicans and Democrats in Congress alike borrowed another $60 billion — $60,000,000,000 — to give to Ukraine, a nation known for pretty women and large bribes to the spawn of Biden, Pelosi and other DC scum.