Operation Infinite Justice: “Crimes Against Humanity and the “Warp Speed” Vaccine”

Vaccine Tyranny

The Nuremberg Trials, a series of military tribunals held after World War II from 1945 to 1946, were a landmark event in international law, seeking justice for the unimaginable crimes committed by key Nazi figures.

Time for Trump to Come Clean on Operation Warp Speed

Time for Donald Trump to Come Clean on Operation Warp Speed “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.” ~ Origin unknown Greetings my fellow Americans! Before I launch into the title of this article, I want to be clear that I recognize that most of Donald Trump’s presidency was a …

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Excess Deaths And The Jab

Vaccine Tyranny

     Contrary to what the mainstream news and censors, like Google, Facebook and others, want you to hear, there are correlations between that “Jab” and all those excess deaths.      The reason I decided to write this is because, yesterday, while driving through all the rain in the flood prone part of southern Kentucky to …

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