The Associated Press Make Story About Rescue of Two Israeli Hostages All About the Poor, Poor Palestinians!

Maybe Hamas shouldn’t have started a war they knew they couldn’t win? The Israel Defense Force have rescued two elderly hostages seized by Hamas in the October 7th terror raid, but Associated Press reporters Najib Jobain, Josef Federman, and Samy Magdy want you to sympathize with the Palestinian Arabs who held them captive! Israeli forces …

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The Unseen American Footprint: Questioning Widespread Military Deployments in the Middle East

The potential consequences of using military deployments as “bait “ for strategic purposes raise ethical and strategic questions about the direction of U.S. foreign policy.

Israel Is Great, Militarily, But Let’s Tell the Truth Here: They Have Proven to Be Poor Conquerors.

That The New York Times is unabashedly liberal is of no surprise to anyone, but at least the Gray Lady does cover the news. My normal first read of newspapers is The Philadelphia Inquirer, which showed exactly one story concerning the outbreak of war between Israel and Hamas, on the website main page. The Times …

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One Front: Two Wars

I wrote this piece the week after 9-11 in 2001. I’ve written over 1k pieces since then. This may be the best. Certainly prescient, even if DoD didn’t go for WW-T and went with GWOT (Global War on Terrorism). The first front of the World War against International Terrorism (WW-T), our American Homeland, is remarkably …

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Defending the Republic, Scenario 3: Takeover

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Defending the Republic, Scenario 3: Takeover This is the third and most dangerous scenario introduced in Part 1 of Defending the Republic. While it may directly manifest from the triggers discussed below, most likely it will flow from scenario 2: Policy Domination stimulated by the trigger(s). If scenario 3 happens and is successful, the US …

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