I wonder sometimes if progressives understand that illegal immigration raises the cost of healthcare they often complain is already too expensive. I think they do, but because most of them can afford the extra cost they don’t care, if it helps them gain more political power.
A recent poll has revealed that the majority of Americans believe that the situation at the southern border is a crisis and that illegal immigration in the U.S. is only getting worse.
The poll, conducted by Rasmussen, found that 66% of Americans think the situation at the southern border, in which illegal immigration has spiked to historic levels under Biden’s tenure, is a crisis. 22% said that the situation wasn’t a crisis, while 12% said they weren’t sure.
Broken down by political ideology, a majority of 86% conservatives, said it was a crisis, while 58% of moderates and 37% of liberals said the same.
Among political parties, Democrats were more likely to say that the situation isn’t a crisis, with 38% saying it is not, while 46% said it was.
The poll also found that a majority of Americans say the problem of illegal immigration is getting worse, at 57%. 12% said it was getting better, 29% said it was around the same, and 2% said they weren’t sure.
The poll results were released right before Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told CNN’s State of the Union that the Border Patrol had seen a 50% drop in the number of encounters versus what they had seen the week before Title 42 ended.
However, Mayorkas cautioned that it was too early to tell whether the surge of illegal border crossings has peaked.
In fiscal year 2022, illegal immigration at the southern border reached its peak in May, with 241,136 encounters. Another smaller peak was seen in September of 2022, with 227,547 encounters, according to Customs and Border Patrol statistics.
In the fiscal year 2021, which began in the last months of the Trump administration and continued into Biden’s first year, a sharp increase was seen in March, right after Biden was inaugurated in late January. From February to March of that year, 70,000 more people were encountered by authorities, and these encounters have remained at elevated levels under Biden’s tenure. The fiscal year 2021’s peak was seen in July of that year, with 213,593 encounters.
Biden’s open borders policies have caused a historic surge in illegal immigration coming over our southern border. Every town and every state in our country is ground zero for this crisis. His policies have encouraged illegal immigration and allowed fentanyl to flood our communities. No one voted for this. Even Democrat voters in so-called “sanctuary cities” are openly protesting as they see their communities change right before their very eyes.
This poll shows that America is decisively against illegal immigration. The GOP has a solid advantage on the issue. We need to fire Joe Biden in 2024 and make sure our representatives (both local and federal) carry out the will of WE THE PEOPLE! It’s time to take OUR country back before we lose it for good.
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