Living Behind Enemy Lines, Tale #19: Shut Up Person Of Color, Liberals Speak For You

Living in COW, AKA California, Oregon, Washington, has become increasingly difficult for sane Americans over the last four decades or so. Like Megan, this author watched Oregon’s decline into Woke insanity. Here, an American “of color” explains why some “people of color” are higher on the racist totem pole than others because diversity of thought is not allowed. Megan’s tale:


“I am a fifth generation Oregonian, a descendant of Oregon pioneers. I am also half-Japanese and half-white and was born in Oregon in 1949.

My mother grew up on Kauai, Hawaii and was in Honolulu when Pearl Harbor was bombed. Of Japanese descent, she never spoke against white people. In fact, she spoke against her own race for their violence at Pearl Harbor.  Her brother fought for the US in the 442nd unit which was sent to Italy.  The All-Japanese unit from Hawaii became very well-known and her brother became the Vice-President of Memorex in the Silicon Valley.  So, he was given a lot of promotions despite being a ‘minority’.

I have three white cousins: Two doctors and one attorney.  Another cousin received the International Business Award for Oregon in the last decade. My cousins grew up having a Japanese aunt.  They often tell me she was their favorite.

I’m so sick of hearing only the negatives about race because I grew up around whites for the most part, or around Native Americans. Also, our lily-white church in the small town where my pioneers settled collected money each Sunday (in the 1950’s) for the “POOR CHINESE”.  What a laugh that gives me today. So, how racist were they?  Not much!”


“When ‘diversity training’ was forced on all Oregon State employees, the trainer asked if anyone in the room was 5th generation Oregonian.  I raised my hand.  No one else in the room was 5th generation.  The trainer had recently arrived from Arizona.  He asked me to go to the front of the room of about 40 people.  As I went forward, I proudly stated I was descended from a well-known Oregon pioneer and mentioned his name.  His face could have turned to stone.  He was mad.  This was not the outcome he wanted.  He wanted an Indian – I kind of look Indian.  He immediately told me to sit down.

We moved to Idaho to get away from the Democrats in Oregon.”^

So, this trained “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion” jackass, who claimed to support “people of color” did not want this “Oregonian of Color” to talk to the class.  Her experience in life must be silenced because she doesn’t fit within the Racial Caste System Liberals have constructed.


My readers love my “Living Behind Enemy Lines” articles. I need more! Could you provide me with an experience or two you have had?  If you live in a Blue area, you have many stories. I will not use your name.  It can be a short story about one aspect of living in a Blue area, or a longer essay. It could be a story about an abuse you have suffered because you are a Trump supporter, or because you are Conservative, or .   .   .   .  It can be a light-hearted story or a serious story. For more info:

Diane Reviews Matt Walsh’s Movie “Am I Racist?”

Diane Reviews Matt Walsh's Movie "Am I Racist?"

We laughed until we bawled as Matt’s assistant wheeled his “Uncle Frank” into the “Do The Work” Workshop and placed him in from of the attendees, apparently all white, who had paid money to be told how horrible white people are. Matt told the class that his uncle, 20 years ago, had told a “racist” joke about Mexicans. While elderly “Uncle Frank” sat in …

Read full story

^Even though Megan now lives in Idaho, I am withholding her famous maiden name in order to protect her cousins and other relatives who still reside in Marxist Oregon. Democrats in Oregon are truly dangerous. We lived there until the 2020 riots came to our upscale burb and police were told to let the thugs own the streets.

The author, Diane L. Gruber, is a First Amendment advocate who writes for Substack. She calls her Substack newsletter America First Re-Ignited.  

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