Where and when does the 70th week fit?
This series of posts rests on what God says in Daniel 9 and is extracted from the texts of Revelation the Fair God, The Great Harvest of the Post-Allah World as well as The Rock Breaks the Globalists’ Empire and the biblical references therein.
As seen in post 4, the 70th week co-exists with the 69th; it is not tacked on at the chronological end of the 69th.
The crucial point of the 70th week is when Jesus by His death puts an end to the sacrifices and offerings. When by His sacrifice He fulfills the divine requirement for all times and God give His nod. It is when Jesus—Himself—becomes the most holy place. This happens at the mid-point (three and one-half years) of that 70th week.
When He began His ministry, Jesus told us that the Good News had begun, that the kingdom was on its way, and three and one-half years later He indeed died.
Until Jesus’ death, all through the old 69th week, the rule of sin was only deflected, the sacrifices only covered sin; they did not fix it. Jesus fixed the power of sin for the present, for the past and for the future.
For three and one-half year Jesus exhorted Daniel’s people—the Jews—to stop from turning against God. He validated His Messianic reality in all ways. He took away evil, brought in goodness that continues for ever, brought about the vision and prophecy and appoint a most holy place. All this happened in Israel and a lot of it in Jerusalem. This is the quantitative component of the 70th week.
However, God originated the qualitative component of the 70th week way back when He addressed Satan in the garden of Eden: One of her descendants will crush your head. The ending was set. So, since Adam, while humanity suffered the effect of the curse, they could know that there would be a favorable ending. Ever since that time, people whose heart were tuned to God, have looked forward to this crushing.
The closure of the 70th week is in our future. At the end of the time of testing (tribulations) the angel will pronounce the qualitative and quantitative end of this week. Revelation 10:6 – 7: There will be no more interval of time… God’s secret will be finished. This secret is the Good News God told to his servants, the prophets. This will serve as the end of the 70th week but also of the 69th.
On the spiritual side, Jesus did not stop the 69 weeks paradigm; He breached it. The 70th week is the universal “exit ramp” that Jesus spliced on top of the 69th week at Calvary. Calvary was the crux, the point where the cursed 69th type of weeks and the redeemed 70th type of weeks crossed path. Since then, every one of us can elect to take that exit ramp. And when we do, the gates of Hell that held us prisoners cannot restrain us!
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