White House Press Sec Reveals Disturbing Response to the ‘Twitter Files’

In a word, the Biden administration’s response to Elon Musk’s release of the “Twitter Files” was shameless.

Having had the weekend to mull over precisely how they would spin evidence of the Biden campaign’s collusion with top Twitter executives ahead of the 2020 election to suppress the New York Post’s bombshell story about Hunter Biden’s laptop, they chose offense.

Asked by a reporter during Monday’s White House press briefing, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre brazenly dismissed Friday night’s revelations as “old news” and then tried to spin it as Musk’s attempt to distract from his own possible wrongdoing. The previous week she’d said the administration “was keeping an eye” on Musk’s activities at the social media company. 

The question came surprisingly late in the briefing. Regarding the Biden campaign’s collusion with Twitter executives to “censor reporting leading up to the election,” Fox News correspondent Jacqui Heinrich asked, “Is it the White House view that these decisions were made appropriately, in light of what has come out?”

Feigning ignorance, Jean-Pierre asked for clarification. “Which decisions? By whom?”

Heinrich replied, “By Twitter.”

Frequently looking down at her binder, the press secretary said, “By Twitter on — okay. So look, we see this as, uh, interesting, or a coincidence, if I may, that uh, he would so haphazardly, uh, Twitter would so haphazardly push this distraction, that is full of old news, if you think about it, um, and at the same time Twitter is facing very real and very serious questions about the rising volume of anger, hate, and anti-Semitism on their platform.

“And, uh, how they’re letting it happen. And, you know, the President said last week, more leaders need to speak out and reject this, and it’s very alarming and very dangerous.”

Jean-Pierre continued, “And what our focus right now is helping the American families.” She briefly discussed the administration’s efforts to bring back manufacturing jobs to the U.S. before concluding that the release of the “Twitter Files” was a “distraction” and was “not healthy.”

“Look what is happening, it’s not — frankly, it’s not healthy. It won’t do anything to help a single American improve their lives. And so, look, this is a — we see this as interesting, you know, coincidence. And — and, you know, it’s a distraction.”

The full briefing can be viewed in the video below. The relevant exchange begins at the 41:30 mark.

Jean-Pierre’s flagrant dismissal of the stunning exchanges between Twitter executives on using their policy against sharing hacked materials to suppress the story was breathtaking. Contrary to her trivialization of the alarming communications, the fact remains that a political campaign and even the FBI had a direct line to the social media platform and used it to interfere in a presidential election. And although we’d already guessed what took place in the weeks prior to the 2020 election, seeing the actual evidence of this corruption was newsworthy indeed.

Egregious as Jean-Pierre’s remarks were, an even more cringeworthy response to the revelations came from anti-Trump website The Bulwark. Writer Tim Miller claimed Twitter was right to block the story because Americans had no right to view naked photos of Hunter Biden.

Miller wrote, “Now if you are one of the normals—someone who would never think about posting another person’s penis on your social media account; has no desire to see politicians’ kids’ penises when scrolling social media; doesn’t understand why there are other people out there who care one way or another about the moderation policies surrounding stolen penis photos; or can’t even figure out what it is that I’m talking about—then this might seem like a gratuitous matter for an article. Sadly, it is not.”

According to Miller, “The offending material that [journalist Matt] Taibbi revealed was removed by Twitter at the Biden campaign’s request turns out to have been a bunch of links to Hunter Biden in the buff.”

Actually, Tim, we were far more concerned with what the laptop told us about a presidential candidate’s possible compromise by the Chinese Communist Party, our number one geopolitical foe. Rather than sneaking a peak at a middle-aged man-child’s private parts, we were focused on what the contents of the laptop could tell us about a possible future president’s business connections with a foreign adversary. Above all, we wondered if he was indeed “the big guy” who was slated to receive a 10 percent stake in the profits of a joint venture with the Chinese government.

Additionally, we are alarmed that, without evidence, 51 former intelligence community leaders would sign a public letter casting the laptop story as Russian disinformation.

Contrary to efforts by Jean-Pierre, Miller, and the rest of the legacy media to minimize the revelations, the material found on the laptop, as well as repeated confirmations by Hunter Biden’s former business partner, Tony Bobulinski, point to the strong likelihood  that our current president has been compromised by the Chinese government.

And that is the reason for our concern.


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A previous version of this article appeared in The Western Journal.

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