The Sound of Freedom in the Sight of Evil

In the afterword of the movie “Sound of Freedom,” actor Jim Caviezel makes an appeal for the movie to become the modern day equivalent of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” That works. Slavery was an unmitigated evil. A moral wrong as public and personal sin. So, child sex slavery is even worse. Since slavery has been illegal for over 150 years. There’s no excuse for this evil to exist.

Why does child sex slavery exist? Probably for the same reason any criminal activity does. There’s enough money to make it a very profitable business. Clearly, organized crime is a business. Supposedly, the Cartels make more money moving illegal aliens across our border than they do on the multi-billion dollar drug trade.

An illegal activity thrives when the government officials responsible for enforcing the law are paid off or the people as a whole don’t consider something to be wrong. Police, judges, bureaucrats, and elected officials across the local, state, and federal governments have to be bribed or intimidated to keep the law enforcement low enough to operate a criminal enterprise.

Deaths from fentanyl alone rose from 6 people of out of every 100k Americans to 22 out of every 100k in just the past 5 years. When fentanyl killed 70,601 Americans in 2021 only, that was way more than the 58,300 American dead from the entire Vietnam War. Yet, that horrific death total doesn’t move elected officials to close the border and enforce drug laws. A lot of people must be making bank to keep the status quo in drug deaths.

Just as the 60 million babies killed by abortion made money for the abortion industry and kept politicians in office to access even more money and power.

Follow the money.

Except, the barbaric killing of babies just before birth with Partial Birth Abortion was banned in state after state when people could see what happens.

Good people have to see evil to believe it.

Abortion killing is committed behind closed doors. Likewise, a small city of 100,000 won’t feel two deaths a month from drug overdoses as kick in the gut. Twenty-two bodies across a year are swiftly removed by EMS and buried by their families. Their deaths will be lost among the average 1044 deaths that’ll happen city-wide in one year. Everyone doesn’t see the slaughter like a mass shooting on TV.

Sexually abuse of children is all done in the dark. The crimes are committed in private places. So, how many children are abused during one year in a small city of 100,000? No one knows, do they.

When the U.S. State Department estimates female sex trafficking in the U.S. from 15,000 to 50,000 women and girls a year, the range of the estimate indicates how little is verifiably known. Is that wide estimate only for females that cross the U.S. border? Where do those numbers come from?

The out of sight, out of mind nature of most crime, is unseen to the overwhelming majority of non-criminal Americans. That’s why making evil visible in the movie “The Sound of Freedom,” is so important.

What if only one black person was held in chattel slavery in America? If no one knew, nothing would happen. If it was on the news, what would happen? There’d be an uproar. The same should happen for child sex slavery.

Every resource available at the local, state, and federal levels should be applied to find, stop, and eradicate the child sex trade.

Likewise, the maiming and mutilation of children in “gender affirming” surgery and devasting drugs, should be exposed, stopped, and eradicated.

The true insanity or evil of the Human Secularist Totalitarians who rule Blue states is broadcast in their legislation to maim and mutilate children to become “Trans.”

The states who are outlawing maiming and mutilating are dealing correctly with a clear and present danger to children.

In the movie, former Homeland Security Agent, Tim Ballard refers to the newly freed child sex slaves chatter and play as “the sound of freedom.” He was acknowledged for his bravery and cunning in 2014. He’s still fighting the fight now.

Why isn’t that campaign over? The war on evil perversion won?

Americans need to see the evil to stop it. The movie “Sound of Freedom” is one step in the right direction.

As conspiracy theories swirl with the fervor of the hysteria about child abuse in day care centers, reality must reign. They’re tiny truths holding up the absurd accusations. Like, who is who on the guest list to Epstein’s island? Release the names. All of them.

Jim Caviezel couldn’t get work in anti-Christian Hollywood after his stunning performance in “The Passion of the Christ.” He may pay for this production as well. If so, he is doing the Lord’s work indeed.

You need to see the evil of child sex abuse, female sex trafficking, the maiming and mutilation of Trans affirmation, the deaths from drugs – especially fentanyl, and the killing of babies in the womb by abortion. Make your demands mean more than the money that keeps these evils in business.

Here are two other articles about this horrific practice

I Know Why the Left Hates This Movie, Sound of Freedom

Democrats And The Scourge of Child Sex Slavery

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