Some ideas are laughable lunacy. Some ideas are so ludicrous that it’s hard to imagine anyone taking them seriously. But, when people embrace idiocy as “their truth”, the consequences can be very bad. The fires in California are another case study in the idiocy devolving to tragedy. And, to make it worse, the idiocy is an ideal for way too many people.
All humans are alike in our God-created humanity. We are dramatically different in how we live as opposing societies with conflicting worldviews and incompatible cultures. Emphatically, “Culture Commands.” Said again, we are alike as human and very different as cultures.
Our worldviews and cultures come from ideas. Ideas motivate humans. Ideas move humankind to do the great and wonderful as well as the terrible and awful. It’s the way of the world.
Consequently, the devastating wildfires aren’t a momentary glitch in government or just a one-and-done goof by public officials.
The fires are another example of human folly making other humans pay a price.
If you accept the idea that water management in the natural desert region that is Southern California should be governed by what is best for a small, endangered species of fish – the smelt, then the needs of people are secondary at best.
Look at the litany of failures as a series of “trade studies” made in engineering, research and development, or policy decisions.
Consider the “Givens” for every trade study. Then connect the dots.
If people believe the 1486 treatise, a Malleus Maleficarum, on how to deal with witches, is a good idea, then the consequences are witch hunts.
How is the folly of witch hunts based on the factual errors about witches different from the Covid 19 tyranny against speech, worship, movement, and bodily autonomy based on governments getting everything wrong about the virus?
If people believe humans are creating an existential Climate Crisis and Nature should be left alone, then water will serve fish, not people, the fuel for fires will build in unmanaged forests, and dams will be destroyed wishfully for salmon to return.
If you believe the Cultural Marxism claptrap of fixed classes of oppressor and oppressed Americans requires DEI-determined hiring and promoting people based on race, gender, or sexual behavior, then sooner or later the lack of merit will be demonstrated.
Incompetence is hard on the heels of the idiocy of wrong and bad ideas.
So many ideas throughout history have been idiotic.
From idol worship noted in the Bible, Roman Emperor Diocletian’s
persecution of Christians, to the Divine Right of Kings, to the French Terror, to the bloody Bolsheviks, NAZIs, and Fascists, to new racism of DEI, to importing Islam into Western Civilization, to Pride Month, etc. – the list could go on for many pages in a very small font.
The Los Angeles area fires should wake up many Woke people whose homes were burned to ashes. The fires aren’t anything new. Water management isn’t new. The devastation is new because the bad choices and incompetence came from idiotic ideas.
It’s a clear path downhill from idiocy to tragedy.
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