We have reported on warmonger and #TrumpDerangementSyndrome sufferer Jennifer Rubin, the Washington Postcolumnist, several times before. At a time when foreign terrorists have been rampant and murders in Philadelphia had spiked, she was whining about “domestic terrorism,” and Elon Musk opening Twitter to greater freedom of speech. Mrs Rubin, who has told us of her great commitment to democracy, was appalled that a party she doesn’t like was allowed to run in democratic elections. She combitched about Post owner Jeff Bezos spiking an endorsement for Kamala Harris Emhoff, but didn’t quit over that, as several other Post personnel has done.
But now, she’s hitting the road:
Jen Rubin exits Washington Post, joins Norm Eisen to launch new outlet countering ‘authoritarian threat’
by Brian Stelter | Monday, January 13, 2024 | 8:45 AM EST
Jennifer Rubin, photo via Libs of TikTok
New York: CNN — Veteran opinion columnist Jennifer Rubin is becoming the latest in a long list of Washington Post figures to leave the troubled institution.Rubin is partnering with former White House ethics czar Norm Eisen and launching something new: a startup publication called The Contrarian.
The startup’s tagline, “Not owned by anybody,” is a pointed reference to billionaire Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos and other moguls who, in Rubin’s view, have “bent the knee” to President-elect Donald Trump.
“Our goal is to combat, with every fiber of our being, the authoritarian threat that we face,” Rubin told CNN in an interview ahead of the publication’s introduction.
Clearly, Mrs Rubin has been drinking her own Kool-Aid. While the incoming President might think that Mrs Rubin and her fellow travelers belong behind bars, there’s really no law under which she could be thrown in jail for expressing her opinions. She’s like the lovely Kathy Griffin, who’s been claiming that people need to come see her stand up comedy acts now, before she gets thrown into an ‘internment camp,’ is reaching people. I’d say her claim is overblown, considering that President Trump didn’t have her thrown behind barbed wire following her posting of a picture holding what was supposed to be the President’s bloody head, later saying that “she believes she’s been personally attacked by the president and the first family.”
Rather than anti-Trump, the founders describe their venture as pro-democracy. They said they have already enlisted about two dozen contributors, including people who played prominent roles in debunking 2020 election denialism and investigating the January 6, 2021, attack at the US Capitol.
I’m not sure how someone can claim to be “pro-democracy” when they have been advocating that one of the candidates in a free election be thrown in jail, and want to stifle the freedom of speech for Other People.
A 14-year veteran of the Post’s opinion section, Rubin said she resigned because “the Post, along with most mainstream news outlets, has failed spectacularly at a moment that we most need a robust, aggressive free press.”
Uhhh, the Post already “failed spectacularly” when it came to covering up Joe Biden’s cognitive decline, as did the rest of the credentialed media, because they were all in the bag for Mr Biden due to their hatred of Donald Trump. The Philadelphia Inquirer editorialized, “Trump and his allies fail to understand the adversarial role the press plays in a healthy democracy,” but neither the Inky nor any of the other major dailies played that “adversarial role” when it came to the Biden Administration. We have previously noted how the credentialed media were complicit in the coverup of outgoing President Biden’s significantly declining mental status, something only a few members of the legacy media have admitted, even though it has been plain to see by anyone who has been paying attention.
But, not to worry, I’m sure we can count on their “adversarial role” if President Trump so much as stubs his toe, but they’ve given the Democrats a free pass.
And they’re still doing it! FEMA has been f(ouling) up by the numbers following the major flooding in western North Carolina, but has the Post been covering that? Months after the disaster, many people are still homeless, living in makeshift shelters or tents or in hotels that FEMA authorized but which was about to kick them out this past weekend, when the area was covered with snow and the harsh mountain winter was in full swing.
“I fear that things are going from bad to worse at The Post,” she added.
Rubin cited numerous controversies, including Bezos blocking the editorial board’s planned endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris in October and Amazon, which Bezos founded, making a $1 million donation to Trump’s inaugural fund. She said a major factor in her exit was the Post’s recent refusal to publish a satirical cartoon by Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Ann Telnaes showing Bezos and others on bended knee. Telnaes resigned as a result.
How would the Post be going “from bad to worse” when the newspaper, the one which broke the Watergate story, refused to let readers know that the President of the United States was descending into dementia? Had the credentialed media reported a truth that they all knew, perhaps Mr Biden would never have even tried to run for re-election, perhaps the Democrats would have had a real primary campaign. We can’t know that such would have changed the eventual outcome, but, for a newspaper which proudly proclaims that “Democracy Dies in Darkness” they sure tried to keep the people in the dark!
Mrs Rubin is, of course, a free American, and she can quit the Post if she wishes. But the idea that the credentialed media are somehow going to go easy on President Trump is hysterically funny, given that they have not been previously, while all along covering for Democrats.
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I notice in the photo background that the lovely Mrs Rubin has a, Heaven forfend!, gas range.