Hunter Biden’s laptop keeps on giving. In the waning days of the Obama Administration, Hunter drafted a letter to then-Vice President Joe Biden explaining that he and Biden’s siblings, brother James Biden and sister Valerie Biden Owens, have “lived their lives in service to [Joe]” and now feel “publicly and privately humiliated” by his behavior.
Two days before Hunter wrote the draft, his father had been awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by then-President Barack Obama. Biden had been humbled by this great honor, but during his acceptance speech, he failed to thank his family members for making it possible.
This letter was published on Tuesday by Raheem Kassam, the editor of The National Pulse.
Hunter is right in that following the tragic death of Biden’s wife, Neilia, and their infant daughter Naomi in 1972, his mother and siblings devoted themselves to caring for Beau and Hunter, who were toddlers at the time. Their love and dedication allowed the young senator to continue his career in Washington with the knowledge that his children were as well cared for as could possibly be expected under the sad circumstances.
On the other hand, calling his siblings lifelong service to Biden as well as Hunter’s own, altruistic, rings a bit hollow given the extent of the family’s alleged influence peddling activities over the years. But that’s beside the point.
Hunter began his emotional plea to his father by saying, “Dad you have to listen- then you can do whatever you want.”
He tells his father he hopes he will “at least acknowledge that the three people On earth who have lived their lives in service to you who love you more than the next 30 combined have suddenly all Concluded for their own reasons that you have finally crossed the line- that we won’t be publicly and privately humiliated while those that publicly and privately humiliate us our [sic] held to the world as the loves of your life the life of your… “
He writes that James and Valerie “do anything you tell them to do and have their whole lives.”
“Uncle Jimmy is my best friend and aunt Val is my mother,” he continued. “beau and I were pretty happy with Mom mom [Joe Biden’s mother, Catherine “Jean” Biden] and Aunt Val. Loosing Mommy was more like [I] expect it might be to be born without legs you know something really really important isn’t there but don’t quite know why it feels so incredibly absent when you can’t remember it’s presence.
“And then you learn to walk and get bionic legs and a set of wings. Mom mom and Aunt Val saved MY life dad they saved Beaus life Dad you saved our lives— i understand the lie serves your purpose Dad but to make two boys who had the three greatest mothers god could conceive taken from them that they had to buy into it or they would be betraying you is pretty awful- because that is not choice we would ever even let sit in our minds a moment. That’s an act of love dad and the greatest act of love is that your sister never once even in the slightest way would allow us to believe that it must be torture to be written out of the greatest love story ever told.
“Do you who has done more for me been more loyal and is actual embodiment of your line – if you have to ask it’s too late. Uncle Jimmy is the only person I have ever known by a factor of ten that has never asked first . 1 have seen him take punch after punch in the face from every drowning family member he has saved and when the crowd of gawkers gather around and say wow that was so brave so selfless he without exception says what do vou mean that was my brother who not me. Well where did you get the broken nose and black eye- and the whole family says well you know Jim he’s reckless he’s a hothead he leaps before he looks– he’s a lovable tornado. How do you let that stand? Because it there is one hero in this story that deserves the Medal of Honor for throwing himself on the grenade it’s my uncle and it’s like Groundhog Day no matter how hard he try’s to rewrite the story each time he puts himself back together again it’s the same ending-/ there’s a grenade in the living room on Christmas Eve and the whole family gathers around and postures and pontificates or hides under the couch or pushes someone in front of them and there’s uncle Jim missing both legs in a wheel chair with one eye and maybe not until Ive seen him do it a hundred times before does he say “come on – guys at least heip me out of my chair and this time please don’t make me drive myself to the hospital- get me a cab and I’ll pay you back.
“So dad on arguably the most rewarding day in your career you [fail] to even say and I want publicly thank the heart and soul of this family the…”
Kassam acknowledges that portions of this letter were included in The New York Post writer Miranda Devine’s book “Laptop From Hell,” which was released in November 2021.
‘You Have Finally Crossed the Line’ – Hunter’s Scathing Letter to Joe Biden on Eve of Trump Inauguration. @RaheemKassam delivers again. https://t.co/PFYUSDXeRm
— Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) April 19, 2022
We’re still awaiting the results from a whistleblower who is working with a team of information technology experts to recover a whopping 450 gigabytes of deleted material from Hunter’s laptop. It is said to contain “80,000 images and videos and more than 120,000 archived emails,” according to the U.K.’s Daily Mail.
The whistleblower, Jack Maxey, is a Republican activist and a former co-host of Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast. In October 2020, he and Bannon received a copy of the laptop’s hard drive.
Whistleblower who handed over Hunter Biden’s laptop reveals he has 450 gigabytes of DELETED material https://t.co/IUjQni5qKW pic.twitter.com/YtFtPcQoYW
— Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) April 6, 2022
Maxey has promised to post all of the data his team is able to recover online “in a searchable database in the coming weeks.”
Maxey might come up empty-handed. The recovered content could turn out to be the kinds of things you and I delete from our computers every day, items such as junk emails, files we no longer need and photos we don’t particularly like.
On the other hand, it could reveal further evidence of Biden family corruption and even proof of the president’s direct knowledge of, or even his involvement in, his son’s overseas business deals.
The American people need to know. This is not a matter of hearing salacious details about Hunter’s life; it’s a matter of U.S. national security.
A previous version of this article was published on The Western Journal.
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Fine article. Thank you. But we would do well to not expect anything of consequence to come of the Hunter laptop.
By association, Hunter Biden is a card-carrying member of the Deep State, as are a myriad of others. And despite the circumstances upon which accountability is called for, Hunter will skate in the company of Bill & Hillary, Biden himself, the toxic media that pushed the false narrative of Trump-Russian Collusion, the corrupt politicians that fueled that multi-year scam, and the institutional rot in the Fed, the DOJ, FBI, CIA, CDC, EPA…et. al.
Hunter is but a bit player in the Swamp, where members of both major political party’s swim, that is drowning America.
It does not take a new batch of data to establish the corruption. The evidence is already in plain sight. That it is, and has been, says that nothing will stop the corruption–no will to do so exists.