Does Vladimir Putin have any desire to fight NATO

Image by DANIEL DIAZ from Pixabay

As the world waits to see just how Putin will react as he struggles with his underestimating the Ukrainian people. He underestimated their willingness to fight for their freedom. The US and its NATO allies are supplying Ukraine with the weapons they need to hold off Russian troops. Putin has issued warnings to the US and its allies to the point of using threats of nuclear war.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued fresh threats against the United States while promising increased social benefits to raise living standards as his popularity reaches near-record lows amid ongoing economic woes.

In his annual state-of-the-nation address on February 20, 2022, to Russia’s two-chamber parliament — the Federal Assembly — Putin said that, if Washington deployed intermediate-range missiles in Europe, Moscow would not only target the countries hosting the U.S. weapons but the United States itself.   “

The Russian President said that Moscow does not want war in Europe against the backdrop of growing tensions around Kyiv, but called for an immediate and complete solution to the issue of Kyiv’s relations with NATO.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused Western countries of ignoring Russia’s core security concerns after the U.S. last week refused to give in to Moscow’s demands for Ukraine and NATO in Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin said it was clear that the West had ignored Russia’s basic security demands in Moscow.

On Friday, the Kremlin said President Vladimir Putin told French President Emmanuel Macron that the West had failed to take into account Russia’s key conditions to halt further NATO expansion, and stop the alliance’s deployment of weapons near Russian borders, and withdraw its troops from Eastern Europe.   “

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said the Western supply of arms to Ukraine was “adding fuel to the fire,” according to a transcript on the Russian Foreign Ministry’s website. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also said that these issues were second only to Russia’s main concerns with NATO. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said the Russian buildup could be part of Russia’s efforts to exert “psychological pressure” and sow panic.

There is no way Putin would be able to go to war with the US and NATO, he has trouble trying to defeat the Ukrainian People. A war with the US and NATO would mean the war would come to his doorstep. The United States does not believe that Vladimir Putin has any desire to fight NATO.   “

White House deputy chief press secretary Karin Jean-Pierre said it was clear that Vladimir Putin had failed to achieve the goals he set for the Russian invasion. Russian President Vladimir Putin reviewed Russia’s nuclear arsenal at the start of the recent invasion of Ukraine.

Ukraine has warned the United States and other NATO members of the risk of “nuclear escalation” if they are directly involved in the conflict. , said Stanford scientist Scott Sagan. Russian President Vladimir Putin has used Russia’s nuclear arsenal to remind the United States and other NATO powers of the risk of nuclear escalation if they were directly involved in his recent invasion of Ukraine.

The United States does not believe that Vladimir Putin has any desire to fight N.A.T.O., Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Wednesday, as the Russian president struggles to achieve his goals in Ukraine. He gave his view to lawmakers during a congressional hearing beside Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen Mark Milley who said Russia’s use of hypersonic weapons was not having ‘really significant or game-changing effects.’

Three months into the Russian invasion, Moscow this week reportedly launched hypersonic missiles on the port city of Odesa. But Putin’s aim of capturing the capital Kyiv has failed and he has instead been forced to concentrate his war machine on the eastern Donbas region.   “

As I said, “the world is watching and waiting to see if Putin will make good on his threats of nuclear retaliation against the United States and NATO.” 

God Bless the United States, God Bless the Veterans

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1 thought on “Does Vladimir Putin have any desire to fight NATO”

  1. Vladimir and Volodomor, two “princes”. One has the might of a large military, and the other has the determination for survival. Who is the most motivated?
    Vladimir is used to using the bluff move, on the chessboard, while the other is fighting for survival. If Vladimir will use nuclear weapons, it means that there is more at stake with Vladimir than rebuilding the Soviet empire. I think Vladimir didn’t read Machiavelli well enough. Machiavelli had a bit to say about motivation.

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