The Lightning Rod In The Room

The Lightning Rod In The Room;Leave it to the New York Times, to supply “material” for CTT…Critical Think Theory. In this case, the below articles highlight subjects that are now hot buttons at a cocktail party or anywhere else in civil society. To be sure, the below subjects are no longer discussed in a rationale way, by reasonable people. If I’m wrong, I look forward to your comments.

Election Denial Didn’t Play as Well as Republicans Hoped

Election Denial Didn’t Play as Well as Republicans Hoped

By Nick Corasaniti, Reid J. Epstein and Jonathan Weisman

Democrats won races for top election posts in several political battlegrounds where their Republican rivals had cast doubt on the 2020 contest and signaled their desire to overhaul voting systems.

How Democrats Used the Abortion Debate to Hold Off a Red Wave

How Democrats Used the Abortion Debate to Hold Off a Red Wave

By Lisa Lerer and Elizabeth Dias

In the first major election post-Roe, Democrats tied abortion rights to everyday economics and tapped into fears about the rise of right-wing Republicans.

For liberals, the topic they cannot and will not get past is Abortion. Democrats and some independent voters would say that DESPITE FETTERMAN’S DIMINISHED ABILITIES, post-debate…they still could not get over to the Dr. Oz Camp because Oz said Abortion “is still murder.” How many times did PA voters hear that sound bite? As a cardio-thoracic surgeon, multi-decades deep in the Chest Cavity of America, Oz knows in every way shape and form, that Abortion IS MURDER. But for soft hearted and soft headed Americans, who want to stay on the “good side” of life (and death), they can’t bring themselves to the stark reality of it all. Because some poor decisions were made in Washington, DC, two generations ago, Abortion “can’t be murder.” Right? Sorry…one plus one is still two.

If a pregnant woman dies in a car crush, the drunk who killed her has not one, but two man slaughter charges to defend. And if a doctor terminates a child in the womb, it is not a fetus, it IS a baby. No judge or jury can change such a scientific fact. But that stark reality means the woman who decides to kill her baby, (even I first wrote terminate her pregnancy), and the doctor who does so…have committed a crime and a SIN (i.e. #6 Commandment on your hit parade). This is true most everywhere else in the world…accept the United States. Why? “Because the Supreme Court said so.” Sounds a whole lot like a petulant child that did not get the car they wanted at High School Graduation. And then there is the “Misinformation Campaign.”

During this election cycle, how many advertisements did we hear on the radio, on the internet, on television that quite literally stated that “Abortion is a Constitutional RIGHT?” Further, if Roe v. Wade is not codified by the incoming Congress, then our Democracy itself is at risk. WHAT!? So the Founding Fathers set aside some space in the Constitution for Abortion? Or can I find it in the Bill of Rights? Is there an amendment that I don’t know about? Please…show me the paragraph and line in the Constitution where the Founding Fathers, or any trailing President or Congress considered Abortion legal (or moral). I’ll wait.

What does it mean when Democratic strategists can just “unleash the unhinged” with raw feelings about “their truth” (i.e. “as a voting woman, Abortion is my right”). It means “THE TRUTH” no longer matters. So we know the LIBERAL LEFT’s lightening rod, but what of the CONSERVATIVE RIGHT? Take your pick.

The liberal media paints Conservatives as crazy because Conservatives believe in Trump marketing moments. “Make America Great” is now a liberal trigger for “bigotry.” I don’t know how that works, but the New York Times sure does. “Build The Wall” is now a liberal trigger for “fascism.” Again, I don’t know how we got there, but again, thanks New York Times. This election cycle, the one that ended up playing so well for the liberal media was the never ending broad brush stroke of, wait for it…”Election Denier.” In the above mentioned article, the New York Times continues to paint that picture, as if the Times and the DNC will “GIN THIS UP” for the next two years, to help secure another Democrat occupies the White House in 2024.

I am sure if the writing trio of Corasaniti, Epstein and Weisman knew anything about voter fraud in the historic swing states (WI, FL, OH, PA), they would have told their NYT Editor to ask someone else to write the article. But Nick, Reid and Jonathan are either dishonest (i.e. they don’t believe what they write) or just inexperienced. I will be forgiving and assume the latter, not the former. If the trio took a deep dive into the Obama v. Romney race, they might have a few questions about this week’s election outcome. Here’s why.

Obama’s second nationwide victory turned on the election returns from ten counties in four states. Throughout the country, registered Republicans voted for Romney, registered Democrats votes for Obama and Independents went for Romney in a two to one proportion, (i.e. for every three independent voters, two chose Romney and one chose Obama). Now given the sophistication of the Obama “election brain,” (i.e. a Super Computer, with capabilities to produce “real time” data, in every county in America), it should surprise no one that Obama had deep knowledge of where he had to win, to achieve victory and secure the electoral votes. Engineers on loan from Google, who fine-tuned a very robust Sales Consultants software, did not predict election night, but told the Obama team what was happening everywhere in the country, leading up to election night.

In other words, given early voting tallies, the Obama team knew what election night will look like and more important, how it had to look when the polls close, and the tabulation was concluded. Did the Obama team know where to “find votes” if they had to? Did the Obama team know where to “suppress/lose votes” if they wanted to? I won’t answer that. I wasn’t there in Chicago when they sealed the deal election night. Also, I was not in the ten DNC controlled counties in the CO, VA, FL and OH. But I do know this.

After a deep dive into the election data from the Secretary of State websites in VA, FL, OH and CO, I discovered the voting outcomes from ten counties, swung the four states to Obama. In other words, had the election returns reflected the rest of the country (i.e. independents voting two to one for Romney), Romney wins the counties, wins the states, wins the states electoral votes and wins the election. Was there any data from the ten counties that was unusual, (i.e. a statistical outlier) from the national norm? The answer was and remains…yes.

While INDY voters in forty-six states cast their votes two to one for Romney, in ten counties in VA, FL, OH and CO, INDY voters behaved much differently. INDY voters in the ten counties either did not vote at all… or voted for Obama. The strangest counties of all were Dade (Miami) and Broward (Ft. Lauderdale).

Given the multi decades of electioneering and voter fraud in Florida, (the Secretary of State website highlighted thirty-nine past examples of both), the population of INDY voters in Dade and Broward Counties was and is ENORMOUS. In 2012, Miami-Dade had 379,000 registered GOP voters. Registered INDY voters totaled almost as much…364,000! In Broward County (Ft. Lauderdale), registered INDY voters surpassed GOP voters, 288,000 vs. 260,000. In Ohio, the voter registration numbers are even more stunning.

In Cleveland, registered DNC voters totaled 202,000, registered GOP 108,000 and registered INDY, wait for it…581,000! In Columbus, registered DNC totaled 103,000, registered GOP 125,000 and registered INDY 538,000! Wow! I bet you did not know that! And I bet you didn’t know the Ohio Secretary of State listed twenty-six historic examples of election fraud. That said, between just two states, we can highlight sixty-five examples of election fraud. Yet what are the talking points from the national liberal media? “No evidence of wide-spread election fraud.” Laughable.

In other words, many Florida and Ohio voters no longer trust either party. By the way…the same is true in VA and CO. That said, it should surprise no one that the two major parties spend some money on ‘securing the base,’ but spend most of their money trying to influence INDY voters. So what happens after four years in office, and all the polling reports the economy is still driving INDY voters, and the incumbent President’s job creation numbers have not “sealed the deal” with voters. What is the President and his Party to do?

Does the DNC get to work, call up the DNC county officials and let them know there is a sweet promotion coming the county official’s way, when their county re-elects the President? Does the DNC even have to make the call? Human Nature being what it is, if a “DNC County,” where the DNC has carried the county for decades, the DNC election official ALREADY knows DEEP IN THEIR BEING, what their job is, i.e. “Carry the County…no matter what.” Does such a conclusion surprise the reader? Would it surprise the NYT writers assigned to the highlighted story? Only a complete FOOL would say they would be surprised with such a scenario. No one would corrupt their office to secure their office? Right? Again…laughable.

And no one would create a false document (the Steele Dossier) to slander the GOP nominee, implying they were caught urinating on a prostitute in a Russian hotel, and that the same GOP nominee is figuratively and financially “in bed” with Putin because the GOP nominee once wanted to build skyscrapers in Moscow. And no FBI would convey the aforementioned “dirty political tricks” as FACTS to a FISA Court. Right? No liberal media outlets would convey outright lies to 160 million voters…and in turn, curry favor with DNC officials. That would never happen. Right?

In retrospect, we know full well that liberal media magnets were (and are) the ones who “are in bed” with the DNC. In some cases…literally in bed, (i.e. where a DNC official is married to a member of the liberal media). And if the media’s message to their viewers is “Orange Man is mean, a fascist, a bigot, a misogynist, a (fill in the blank)”, then the media is no longer part of the “press”, i.e. and independent, impartial journalist, protected by The Bill of Rights. To be sure, if we have learned anything from the past four elections… “freedom of speech” in the United States is OVER. Look no further than 2008 through 2016.

If you disagreed with Obama’s policies, the liberal media would paint you as a racist. Something tells me the DNC had that talking point in their “hip pocket” when they nominated and supported a first term Senator from Chicago. If the Founding Fathers were revered (or in charge) today, we would have no such terms as ‘politically correct’ or ‘hate speech.’ Where will all of this misinformation and slander end? Good question.

Will Hunter Biden’s lap top computer reveal influence peddling out of Vice President Biden’s office? If true, such data is already known to the FBI. But then again, such data was known to the FBI prior to the 2020 election. Yet FBI Executives went to Facebook Executives and told those in control of content that any Facebook stories of Hunter Biden’s laptop was, wait for it… “Russian Misinformation.”

I don’t know if Mark Zuckerberg was smoking dope with Joe Rogan when Mark admitted the above fact on Rogan’s nationwide podcast. Such news should have impacted INDY voters in the 2022 mid-terms. But did it? Or did Independent Voters dislike of Donald Trump (and his endorsed candidates) lead to only marginal gains in the House? To be sure, the Liberal Media’s message post mid term is meant to discourage Indy voters from supporting Donald Trump’s next run for the White House. How many times will we hear “the biggest loser from the Mid Terms is Donald Trump.” Ahhh…..WRONG!

If the GOP takes the House, and investigates Hunter Biden, the big loser is Joe Biden. But the liberal media will not even suggest such a thing is possible.

In the recent mid-terms, did INDY VOTERS in swing states come out in BIGELY numbers for the GOP…but their votes were lost, not counted, destroyed, etc.? Someday, a DNC official on their death bed will come clean and all of this will be revealed. I am not holding my breath, but I will analyze the voting results!

FYI…in 2016, Hillary Clinton wanted access to Obama’s super election computer in Chicago. No dice! Pretty sure the next person to access that super brain will be Michelle! I mean really, if “that guy” on the next pillow over, made the White House…why can’t she?

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