Europe’s Coming Jacquerie

A Jacquerie is a peasants’ revolt. When the ruling nobles have abused their privileges too much, failed to protect their peasants, or not allowed them to provide themselves the means to live, the peasants revolt. In addition to the historical French Peasants Revolt in 1358 there were local revolts where the people had just had it. The name “Jacquerie” is from the condescending name the French nobility used for all their serfs – “Jacques Bonhomme.” Europe is going to have another Jacquerie. Perhaps many.

Despite all that’s changed in almost 700 years, people are still people. Human nature hasn’t changed. Furthermore, the parallels between the entitled nobility under the Divine Right of Kings and the entitled elites under the European Union look a lot alike.

You can abuse Europeans greatly, but there are limits. Look at the long history of “cockpit.”

Look at the farmers’ protests in the Netherlands and Germany. Look at the protests about the new Polish Government. Look at the new Dutch Government.

It’s just a matter of time. And what provocation will be too much.

Today’s European citizenry lives as a peasantry under the heel of their cradle to grave socialism and uber regulation of so much of their lives. Their elites lord over them as ruthlessly as any petty nobility. At the same time, the unassimilated Muslim population bomb is ticking. The “no-go” zones grow across Europe, except where Eastern Europeans refuse to accommodate the Muslim invasion.

Will it be the persecution of farmers to appease the jealous gods of the Climate Cult? Or, will it be some outrage of Islamist savagery like October 7th was in Israel?

I asked a couple of NATO liaison officers that question in December 2012. They said it would start in Germany, except the Germans remain so ashamed of World War II. So, it likely goes to the Dutch, the Danes, or the Brits to make the first throw down.

Here we are more than a decade later and it hasn’t happened yet. Timing is everything. The years don’t diminish the reality. The long fuse for this nightmare is still sputtering flames.

It will be awful. The elites will use their police power, including their modest Armed Forces, to crush the peasantry. The old royalty of the Middle Ages would do the same. That’ll work until the police and Army refuse to fight the peasants and join them.

Think Russia in 1917.

Meanwhile, the Islamists will make it horrible for the Muslims who have set aside the Koran and Hadith to choose to live amicably in Western Civilization. They have to choose between their identity group – because Islam is more of an identity which includes a religion – and way of life.

Sorry, but there’s no good news in this future scenario. Furthermore, I don’t see how it can possibly be avoided.

Islam, as the Koran and Hadith teach it, is antithetical to Western Civilization.

Europe, still reeling from the one hundred year shock of the industrial slaughters of two world wars, can come back to Christianity, make babies, and restore its confidence and manhood or surrender. Europe can kneel behind the new Iron Curtain of the Islamic women’s veil or stand up and restore Western Civilization. It’s up to the peasants to become citizens.

Perhaps, Europeans could discover individual rights. Britain could re-discover them. That would take some doing.

America will need a lot more Army if we decide to help our NATO allies restore control to their countries. Not suggesting we should help the ruling elites suppress the peasants. The US could provide security, like border control, while an Ally roots out its Islamist snake pits. Kind of like what Israel has to do in Gaza.

The Jacquerie is coming in Europe.

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