Did God Make Our 2024 Decision an Informed One?

Most of the misfortunes in my life, have turned out to be blessings in disguise – a disappointment on one day, leading to a reward on another. God doesn’t always answer our prayers in the manner we request. He blesses us with what we need, not what we want. Our country is currently experiencing crises from seemingly every direction. But are there blessings hidden in our tribulations, which are providing what we need – if not what we want?

God provided his guidance for how we should live in the Ten Commandments (among other things). Moses didn’t bring those tablets down from the mountain for God’s benefit. His words were carved in stone for our benefit – showing the path to fulfilling lives. The Commandments counsel:

  • Honoring the Almighty – which gives our life meaning.
  • Honoring the family – from which we draw strength.
  • Honoring the individual – from which prosperity flows.

But the ideology of the radicals runs counter to that guidance.

By stigmatizing individual achievement and romanticizing victimhood, the radicals insist that we value the collective over the individual. They insist that we aren’t responsible for our lives, but are only beneficiaries of whatever the collective chooses to provide. But abandoning self-determination, leads to surrender and despair.

The radicals preach moral relativism, claiming there is no objective good or evil. All manner of depravity can be contextualized. Pruning the family tree in the womb, is merely a matter of “reproductive healthcare.” Undermining the parent/child relationship, is a matter of gender justice. But when the family dies, so does hope for the future.

The radicals insist that our obligation for “social justice” supersedes our obligation to God and that faith has no place in government. They claim that excusing criminal behavior is compassion, and seizing private property is merely “spreading the wealth around.” But when we force God into the shadows, our life becomes nothing more than a temporary biological anomaly.

Until recently, the radicals worked in the dark like termites on our institutions to corrupt everything beneficial to the human condition: freedom, meritocracy, mutual respect, and a universal understanding of right and wrong. But they didn’t do it too quickly nor too obviously. They saw the need to keep the frog from realizing that the water temperature was rising.

But then 2020 arrived and something changed. We decided that we weren’t quite finished experimenting with Marxism. But we weren’t given another subversive of Barack Obama’s caliber to vote for. Someone like him would have lulled us to sleep with promises of nirvana, while spending four more years helping the termites work.

Instead, we were offered a different choice. If we wished to experiment with an ideology counter to God’s guidance, we’d have to do it with a bumbling fool who wouldn’t even attempt to disguise his intentions.

The only left of center choice on the ballot was Joe Biden, a man with no political edit function, and insufficient humility to recognize any personal limitations. Being the rebellious children that we are, naturally we picked him to pilot our communism test drive.

Joe apparently believed himself entitled to indulge the fantasies of his radical sponsors, in the most visible and grotesque ways possible. The Marxists gave him their wish list, and he turned the burner up to high – insisting the frog had no right to object.

The radicals demanded that he change the demographics in America – because “demographics is destiny.” Joe used his pen to open our borders to an invasion of dependents and criminals – on his first day in office. Wall construction was stopped. Border patrol switched from making arrests to distributing welcome baskets. The Administration even created a smart phone app so that illegals could schedule a flight directly from their origin to a destination of their choice.

The radicals asked Joe to weaponize law enforcement against their ideological adversaries. Joe said he had a guy for that, and unleashed Merrick Garland. Joe’s political opponent has been indicted. Citizens are being watched as domestic threats. Abortion protesters have been arrested. The homes of non-compliant journalists have been raided. America even opened its first Gulag for political prisoners – those guilty of trespassing and taking selfies on the Capital grounds … which their taxes pay for.

No radical Presidency would be complete without accelerating America’s economic collapse. Joe used his pals in Congress and his trusty pen to tackle that too. He signed off on a budget that adds 1 trillion dollars of debt to our collective burden every 100 days – then shamelessly bragged about the miracle of Bidenomics to a joint session of Congress.

The Marxists asked that government control every aspect of our private lives. Joe stoked up the climate change hysteria, ballooned the regulatory bureaucracy, and mandated a transition to all electric vehicles – which would be fueled by solar panels, windmills, and wishful thinking. Of course, the Marxists know such a move will cripple the electric grid, supply chains, citizen mobility, and business expansion. But those hardships will call for even more government involvement. It’s a win/win for them.

The radicals demanded that all Jews be destroyed, because religion is “so yesterday” – not to mention incompatible with Marxism. Joe supplied the terrorists with money and weapons – cleverly using Afghanistan and Iran as his middle men – and used the UN to tell Israel that self-defense runs counter to current diplomatic thinking. The extinction of God’s chosen people is apparently the key to middle-east peace.

Christians are a problem for Marxists too – and for the same reason as Jews (hint: they have a sense of right and wrong). They insisted that Joe give Christians the finger a display of blasphemy. Joe said: Let’s do it on Easter!

In 2020, we naively chose to try radicalism in lieu of mean tweets. Was it a blessing that Joe corrupted America in the light of day? Or would it have been better if it had been done in the shadows – as it has been in the past? Has our four-year dash towards tyranny been God delivering hell on Earth? Or has he given us a chance for redemption, by showing us our error? I suppose that depends on whether the frog has the wherewithal to leave the pot before the water boils.

October 7 revealed the depravity of the radicals, and Joe Biden has shown where their ideology leads – as quickly and as harshly as was humanly possible. It leads to an America of chaos, oppression, destitution, and despair. After three years of our most recent act of rebellion, crime is spiking, the birthrate is falling, personal freedom is under attack, the economy is collapsing, we’re one spark away from WWIII, and some argue that the beheading of babies must be contextualized. I don’t know if God played a role in the 2020 election. But doesn’t it seem like he’s asking: Do you see it now? Do you see where substituting your wisdom for mine leads?

God gifted us with the freedom to choose. Just as all children do, we have often chosen poorly. But as we approach this year’s election, doesn’t it seem as if God has ensured that our choice will at least be an informed one? Now it’s up to us to choose.

Author Bio: John Green is a retired engineer and political refugee from Minnesota, now residing in Idaho. He spent his career designing complex defense systems, developing high performance organizations, and doing corporate strategic planning. He can be reached at greenjeg@gmail.com.

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