Just the other day, I saw my first “I’m voting for the Prosecutor and Teacher” sign. For a moment, I had to do a double-take. Who was running for local prosecutor, and when was the last time teachers ran for office? Perhaps for School Board Chairman?
Of course, the sign is for Harris and Walz, aka Aunt Kamy and Tampon Tim. But what is revealing is that these signs, which are now popping up around the country, might be the most accurate campaign signs ever made. Now we can clearly see that the mask is off.
For Aunt Kamy and Tampon Tim want to further weaponize the federal government against you, and want to be America’s version of North Korea’s “Dear Leader,” who provides all teaching and direction to the masses.
Indeed, watching North Korean propaganda videos are nothing short of a hoot. “Our Dear Leader shows us the way, and provides guidance on building the new hydroelectric dam.” Yes… Kim Jong Un is an expert mechanical engineer. “Our Dear Leader provides teaching on growing more corn and potatoes so as to feed the workers.” Oops… I’m sorry. Kim is now an expert in agriculture. “The Dear Leader provides instruction on rocket guidance to ensure the safety and longevity of the revolution.” Nope… Kim is really a rocket scientist. In such totalitarian systems, the Dear Leader is truly the Dearest Teacher.
Perhaps, Aunt Kamy will want to imitate Kim’s sister, Kim Yo Jong. A few years ago, an article appeared claiming that she, the “Devil woman,” had state officials executed because they “get on her nerves.”[1] There’s not much distance between condemning people who “get on one’s nerves” or criminalizing those who publish irritating “misinformation.”
And we might even see Army officers crowding around Tampon Tim, fawning and crying even as they hand out feminine products in the men’s latrines. After all, the Dear Leader is the Dear Teacher, and we must follow his guidance as we pile up ribbons on our uniforms. And let’s forget about any of that “stolen valor” stuff. It’s just misinformation.
But what is truly amazing is that North Korean propaganda is actually more substantial and legitimate than our own. After all, Kim Jong Un is lauded as an engineer, agronomist and rocket scientist. These are real, tangible and significant endeavors, even if false in their attribution.
But what is the propaganda for our dear leaders? A two-bit prosecutor who, under the guise of “misinformation,” will make you a criminal if you oppose slicing off little children’s genitalia or will not call a man a woman, and a teacher who wants to lead us into the brave new future, instructing us all on how to put tampons in boys’ bathrooms.
Russ Rodgers has several books published on Amazon.
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[1] https://www.rfa.org/english/news/korea/kyj-05182021171329.html