“Ye shall know them by their fruits.” Matthew 7:16-20
The fruits of the Biden/Harris Regime can be seen in how they are succeeding in destroying Red communities, in order to punish Trump voters.
Springfield, Ohio is situated in Clark County which voted 60.65% for Trump and 37.41.% for Biden in 2020. The Biden/Harris Regime flooded this town of 58,000 with either 20,000 or 30,000 Haitians, depending upon who you believe. On Tuesday, without meeting with her immigration victims in Springfield, Kamala Harris had the unmitigated gall to call them liars when they talk about how their little town is being destroyed by entitled Haitians. Springfield is just one community that has been suffering because Biden/Harris imported 21 million foreigners in less than 4 years.
Charleroi, population 4,000, is in Washington County, Pennsylvania, which voted 61% for Trump and 38% for Biden in 2020. Biden/Harris imported 2,000 Haitians, increasing this little town’s population by 50%.
Talladega and Coffee Counties, Alabama, who jointly voted 69% for Trump in 2020, have had their various little communities turned upside down after Haitians arrived. The town of Sylcauga, population 12,236, for example, is scheduled to receive over 2,000 “newcomers.” Some have already arrived, according to this city councilwoman. The federal government refuses to communicate with these local communities and will not tell the town council how many more they will be sending.
The purchase of just one house by a Mexican Cartel has turned a very small community outside Arlington, Washington, in Snohomish County, into a Third World hellhole.
The “Get Real” pundits discuss the Democrats successful, so far, program to destroy little Red communities across America and create chaos, lawlessness & racial/cultural division. Click here to listen to our 27-minute discussion.
“Get Real” Host, George Caylor and History Professor Steve M. Putney were in George’s studio in Lynchburg, VA taping this podcast on September 18th. I joined them, via Zoom, from our mountain cabin in the gorgeous Black Hills of South Dakota, south of Mt. Rushmore.
Each of our podcasts is broadcast on American Christian Network every Saturday, at noon Pacific Time.
Kamala’s Newcomers: “Acting Like Animals,These Are Not Civilized People”
In Kamala’s Ohio, Haitians Drive Without Licenses, As Fast As The Car Will Go
The author, Diane L. Gruber, is a First Amendment advocate who writes for Substack. She calls her Substack newsletter America First Re-Ignited. If you enjoyed this article, then please REPOST or SHARE with others; encourage them to follow AFNN. If you’d like to become a citizen contributor for AFNN, contact us at managingeditor@afnn.us. Help keep us ad-free by donating here.
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