The Jews and the New-World-Order: a history
What God says on the subject of this section can be found in Daniel chapter 2; Hosea chapters 10,11,12; Ezekiel chapters 20, 28, 37 and 38; Isaiah 11, 52. The arguments developed below are extracted from these two books: The Rock Breaks the Globalists’ Empire and Revelation the Fair God.
Caveat: The following is not an antisemitic rant. Just as Jesus was able to target the Pharisee sect for his ire yet extend His open arms to His beloved ancient people, so can I separate the average Jewish person from the members of the cabal. Also, the average Jewish person has suffered as much as the Gentile—and at times more—in the hands of this cabal.
From what I have read, the Hebraic/Jewish component of the current fourth kingdom—our New-World-Order/One-World-Government—was present at its conception: It was Meyer Rothschild who convoked the 12 heads of the leading illuminati sects to propose a hellish world hegemony system: the New World Order. Its organization was spearheaded by Adam Weishaupt (another Jewish character). This evil kingdom was specifically founded to destroy Christianity and all the foundations of Godliness, and to kill the God of Heaven. It has proceeded apace since then.
According to my readings, we find a Hebraic/Jewish component in every destructive revolution this global cabal wrought on the diverse populations of the world. Indeed, Karl Marx (whose real name was Mordecai) and his contemporary cohort were Jewish. I have read that the leadership—and the relentless impulsion to destroy—of the French Revolution of 1789 – 93 had a Jewish core, the Russian revolution of 1917 and the terrible destruction in its aftermath definitely had a radical Jewish component and so had the Hungarian revolution. So, from Karl Marx to Bela Kun, the radical and evil revolutionary cadre had a predominantly Jewish component.
It seems that the fourth kingdom is the human effort to establish the promised Hebrew reign—but without God, outside God, in spite of God and against God. However, this was always going to end in failure. The fourth kingdom was always headed for destruction—divine destruction.
Daniel 2 tells us precisely that it is God who will put an end to the Fourth Empire cabal, the text tells us exactly what God will do with them and it gives us the outcome. So, one can only ponder: Is it because there is a Hebraic core component in this fourth empire, that it is God Himself, and not man who will destroy it? (The other three empires met human ends.)
Christians and Gentiles are not given the judgment sword against God’s ancient people: God reserves that right for Himself. Also, only God could keep the process just and impartial. No non-cabalist Hebrew will suffer in the process. If humans were carrying it out; there would always be collateral damages and God’s beloved ancient people would suffer.
And: Is it because Exodus 2.0 is in the offing that this evil kingdom will be dealt with at this time, as the necessary, timely, culling of His ancient people first? I tend to answer yes to both questions. What do you think?
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