We have to go back over three decades ago, 1991, to remember the last time the U.S. won a war, outright. It was the first Gulf War. We kicked Iraq’s dictator, Saddam Hussein (not to be confused with Barack Hussein) out of Kuwait. The U.S. was very dependent on foreign oil to supply our economy and Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait was threatening that supply and rocking world oil prices (sound familiar?). It was a massive, quick and decisive victory. Critics of the war called it a “blood for oil” war. In a way, they were right to call it that. Fossil fuels drive everything in the modern economy. Our way of life is worth defending. However, what is just as important to note is that we vanquished the world’s 4th largest army in just six weeks.
Back then the twisted forces of liberalism hadn’t quite gotten their fangs into the Pentagon as deeply as they later would. Homosexuals were not allowed to serve, at least not openly. Adultery was a dischargeable offense. No one even considered seriously that one day transexuals, transvestites and transgenders would be allowed to serve openly and even have their medical procedures paid for by the taxpayers. Women were banned from combat, by law.
Although Bill Clinton only won a plurality of the vote in 1992, he immediately began implementing very liberal policies, as if he had won some kind of mandate from the voters. He made it known that he did not agree with the ban on homosexuals serving in the military. Of course, that opinion wasn’t formed through any military service of his own. Perhaps his high school band uniform gave him military insights we just didn’t understand?
He just knew instinctively what was right for the military. After pushback, rather than a complete ban on homosexuals in the ranks, he announced the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT) policy in July 1993.
Clinton had the “honor” of being introduced to make this big announcement by his hapless and feckless Secretary of Defense, Les Aspin (he of Blackhawk Down infamy). That policy was then incorporated into law by Congress and signed by Clinton in February 1994. It remained in place until 2011, when it was repealed by that other military genius, Barack Hussein. DADT still regarded homosexuality as not compatible with military service, good order and discipline and resulted in thousands of discharged service members.
In June 2016, the aforementioned LGBTQ warrior, Obama, unilaterally lifted the ban on transgender service members already serving and setting a one-year deadline to allow new transgender recruits in. As Commander in Chief, Obama didn’t find it necessary to explain how this policy or his previous lifting of the ban on homosexuals would improve military readiness and lethality. Likewise, feathered boas can be used for strangulation in hand to hand combat. I guess if used properly, spiked high heels can be quite dangerous. The military found it quite difficult to implement the new policy. Rather than focusing on closing with and destroying enemies, the Pentagon was wrapped around decisions on group shower facilities and living quarters. Thankfully, President Trump reinstated the transgender ban after he took office in 2017, to the chagrin of the frozen fruits and mixed vegetables crowd.
“After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow……Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming…..victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you.”
Wow, what a concept, the military concentrating on “decisive and overwhelming victory” instead of shower stalls, military operations instead of sex change operations!
Barack the Great wasn’t through making his mark (smear) on the military by lifting bans. In 2015 he lifted the ban on women serving in combat. Against all logic, common sense, history, science and a comprehensive study conducted by the Marine Corps which contradicted this policy, Obama declared women the physical equal of men and, therefore, capable of serving in all small group combat units. Once again, he didn’t explain how this policy increased the violent lethality of our military to accomplish its mission to defend the nation. In fact, no one has yet to explain any improvement to mission capability this policy has made. A recent whistleblower has blown the lid on the military lowering standards in order for females to graduate special operations schools. This can only lead to more unnecessary deaths of front-line troops.
Fast forward to today. Biden immediately lifted Trump’s ban on transgenders serving in the military, January 2022. In addition, using the January 6 Capitol protest as a pretext, he ordered the Pentagon to weed out undesirable members of the military that were predisposed to be Trump supporters, i.e., dangerous extremists. His Pentagon goon, Sec Def Lloyd Austin, saluted (or heiled) and immediately ordered an unheard of 60 day stand down of our entire military. No sense in training for combat when instead you can spend valuable time reading the minds of troops to see who has evil thoughts about Biden vs Trump. Pentagon spokesmouth, John Kirby, said,
“It’s got to be a leadership issue down to the lowest levels, small unit leadership all the way up to him. So if you consider it a leadership issue, then maybe there will be some potential solutions there to allow us greater visibility,”
If you can decipher the meaning of this, please let someone know immediately.
In addition, the soon to be President Brandon, hired a diversity Czar for the military, Richard Torres-Estrada. This kook was a disastrous pick from the beginning. This new head of diversity and inclusion was only inclusive to those who agreed with his leftist beliefs and he was quickly reassigned.
With all this touchy-feely nonsense going on in our military, no wonder the army is having serious problems recruiting and retaining qualified soldiers. The Army is offering a record $50,000 bonus for new recruits! Where do I sign up? Liberals invite trouble from our adversaries with these woke policies. The war in Ukraine and the possibility of one starting over Taiwan should wake the adults in the room that the military mission is not to promote social, feel-good policies but to violently defend the nation from its enemies. Freedom isn’t free. Someone pays for it. That “someone” is our military. The members of our Armed Forces deserve the best leadership and the best training. They have been getting neither for a very long time.
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You only touched on the highlights. It’s so much worse than anyone expected!
And Brandon has adopted “Speak unintelligibly and carry a crack pipe” as his national security strategy.
Yep, one could write a book on the ways the military has been corrupted by the left. They’ve always hated our military and now they are taking every opportunity to destroy it from within.