Hillary Exposed: Et Tu Barry? (Part 8)

Hillary Clinton speaking at U.N.: Public Domain

Parts 1-7 built a case that the White House was involved in choreographing efforts across our government to collude with the HRC Campaign, with a specific focus on the critical period from July 2016 on into November 2016, where HRC was cleared twice by the FBI for her illegal email server, and she redoubled efforts to portray and smear candidate Trump as a puppet of Putin.

HRC was aided greatly by misinformation/disinformation by among others, CIA Director John Brennan in this effort. She was also the beneficiary of some impossibly “random” actions-that based on history and the acts and actors involved-can’t possibly be random-that cleared all remaining obstacles to her election chances. Brennan’s motivation was apparently two-fold, based upon hatred of the Bad Orange Man (blinding flash of the obvious) and his ambition to maintain the inside track as HRC’s DNI candidate.

Other than HRC herself, the worst actor(s) in this whole affair and the most valuable player in the HRC camp was FBI leadership. I spent quite a bit of space earlier listing some FBI activity of the last half century to demonstrate that while all of these recent acts might be new variations, they are largely a continuation of a disturbing trend. The unprofessional manner in which the FBI went about their business and the illegal actions they knowingly undertook-pure unadulterated malfeasance-only got worse as time went on. They were emboldened under the Obama administration, not unlike some dictator’s private security or secret police force that we would ordinarily castigate and call out. They spent taxpayer dollars pursuing political ends through any means necessary to achieve the desired outcome. I mentioned in an earlier article that this outcome under the Obama administration was exactly what was feared as possible under all the PATRIOT Act provisions.

Congress should undertake a study to revisit some of these aspects of our government as 9-11 recedes into the rear-view mirror. Not the date-not the action-“NEVER FORGET”-but the surveillance aspects that allowed contractors for the FBI to access NSA surveillance on Americans that they loosely handled, while disregarding all agreements reached to enable such activity in the first place. But mostly to relook the program activity that resulted from everything done in response and how some of those program updates never came off the books in the two decades since. What started out as Defense Emergency Relief Fund responses to an emergency situation became new initiatives that found a way into agency program budget submissions-were approved-and reflected in FYDPs-as 5-year sustainable programs that never died (DERF-also known as “colorless money”-we routinely receive Operations or 1-year expiration dollars, Research and Development or 2-year funds, and Recapitalization and Reconstitution or 3-year expiring program dollars. DERF is money that can be spent on any and all categories if related in some peripheral way to the specified issue).

Do we need 17 intelligence agencies-spending north of ~50 billion a year-only to have things like Afghanistan, Ukraine, North Korea missile launch surprises? But they have time to get involved in political campaigns-seemingly putting their thumbs on the scale for favored candidates?

With so many lowlights in the discussed timeframe, they need to be listed in chyron fashion so as not to take up so much space, such as the tawdry affair and unprofessional emails passed between Strzok and Page against a political candidate-that started in 2015 with early evidence that some dirty dealing was in the works-an insurance policy of sorts-, the leaking of investigation details to the LSMBTG, exaggerating, lying, omitting exculpatory information from FISA applications they had reason to believe would result in disapproval by the court if not embellished, failure to provide a proper defensive briefing to candidate Trump-a perfunctory step provided all candidates-including HRC, Comey staffing an HRC dismissal speech with FBI staff before she had been interviewed-and before Lynch recused herself, Comey rushing to judgement and usurping DOJ authority over the HRC email dismissal-timed to coincide with Obama joining HRC on the campaign trail, FBI failing to pursue a thorough national security damage assessment-notwithstanding it would have involved scrutiny of our government leadership-including the president (one job,) FBI failing to promptly secure evidence and investigate the discovery of classified information on Wiener’s laptop when notified of it by the Southern District of New York-it took a month to respond, secure it and notify congress-but only a ~week to determine that nothing had changed with the reportedly 100K or more additional emails: this only covers the time period up to the election!

It then became worse with the leak of the Pee Pee Hoax dossier by Senator McCain’s chief of staff to an outfit who had a reporter who was sleeping with the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Security Chief-he would later be indicted and found guilty of leaking classified information-receiving jail time of two months-that will teach him and anyone else who thinks they can get away with similar acts (the-he suffered enough-punishment that characterizes much of the last decade- depending on which team you are on,) the ambush and dirty treatment of LTG Michael Flynn-where Biden apparently prompted the DOJ’s Sally Yate’s action to cite the “never been prosecuted dinosaur law-the Logan Act” as the grave concern that called for leaking the story to the LSMBTG to get the FBI to act and then do some dirty dealing to remove the one man on DJT’s team who would know where to look to find all the classified bodies that had been buried, the rush to judgement Russia 2016 Election Interference Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) which was completed in less time than it normally takes to agree to a study plan terms of reference-record time-only involved four of the seventeen Intelligence Community members-yet was billed for months as “a consensus of all 17 IC members,” when there wasn’t even consensus among the four on the key judgements-particularly with regard to Russian collusion in favor of Trump, which Rodgers called “thinly sourced and different in context and content” than the larger body of information used to compile the ICA, but somehow included evidence of Russia interference on Trump despite all the principals (Clapper, Comey, Brennan, Admiral Rodgers) disavowing under oath behind closed doors in testimony to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence having seen or being in possession of any such evidence (makes one wonder if Brennan cited the memorandum sent to Comey by Senator Reid on 28 August 2016 to initiate an investigation on the Russian collusion in support of DJT-information Reid received from Brennan based on unclear and unestablished sources-several months before Brennan said he heard of the Steele Dossier-our CIA Dir-the Reid piece would represent the definition of circular reporting.)

And the final culminating master stroke period prior to presidential transition, the briefing of the unverified and uncorroborated Russia, Russia, Russia and Pee Pee Hoax to Obama to enable the setup briefing of President Elect DJT in Trump tower to create the predicate for the subsequent leak to the LSMBTG-that appears to have been propagated by Clapper as he prepared to transition to duty as a CNN analysts-recall the Steele Dossier had already been leaked in ~November 2016, but no LSMBTG outfit would touch it-print it-until it was legitimized by being presented to POTUS and the incoming POTUS. Comey was picked to brief it one-on-one to DJT.

The flurry-and fury-of activity that these “hucksters” inflicted on DJT as he transitioned into office-a new president-not familiar with the government and the swamp, not a politician, trying to put together an inner circle and a team, while the enemy wreaked havoc within the wire and in his own camp, was relentless and nearly paralyzing to getting we the people’s business done. It was a whole of the LSMBTG effort and gathered momentum to become the dominant story of 2017-which says a lot and tells you all you need to know about the swamp when you consider how many government leaders could have settled the issue early-on by declaring it an HRC campaign scheme that failed (you can all go home now,) but certainly after DJT took office-became the President of the United States: but they said and did nothing, allowing it to gain steam and momentum to become the most talked about issue in America in 2017. While doubling down to find a way to get a Special Counsel assigned-whose first act in conducting the cover-up had to be the recognition that there was no there, there-while the swamp redoubles efforts and begins scheming towards an impeachment that democrats had been calling for since before the election result, and to begin fighting DJT policy efforts every inch and step of the way.

The final effort undertaken to stop him from taking office-a wild gambit or hail Mary attempt if there ever was one-by folks like Clapper and Senator Diane Feinstein-who played a huge role in the original shenanigans that started the hoax in the first place-meets the definition of a “coup” and “insurrection”-but they were on the right team. When we hear histrionics about “questioning elections,” insurrection and coup like activity-it is clearly the pot calling the kettle black. Some of it already seems like so long ago in the COVID era.

Historians will tell this story-aided by the continued emergence of the dirty set of facts that were hidden from the public to fuel this scheme by folks like Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi’s impeachment teams, garden gnome Nadler: the lot of them will suffer from the Brennan venom laced, spittle flying vitriol rant about their place in history when American’s become aware of the affrontery of their personage-or some such crap I cited earlier.

Where does that leave us in the movie with this multi-part, mega multi-syllyable rant? We talk a lot (the ubiquitous we-me and the mouse in my pocket) about unindicted co-conspirators on these matters. In this case it’s real (Soylent Green is people) when you consider or contrast the Snowden leaks-which took half a decade to sort through and involved dozens-scores of people from the IC working through the information and assessing data-despite quite a bit of the information being dated or outdated-but nonetheless very sensitive-whereas in the above case Comey and his apparently talented team-that took a month to take action and secure the laptop-and I digress, but this is the FBI-a premier law enforcement agency in the world-all 35K people-larger than most cities-with some ~10 billion in funding-who did such a shallow national security assessment of the HRC emails that links and nodes, sinks and sources such as Ummah Abidine and the “look at my” Wiener guy didn’t come up on the radar.

But the FBI had the talent to crunch through “100s of thousands of discovered emails” in a weeks’ time. This is the same Comey who doesn’t remember the 7 September 2016 IC Investigative Referral informing him the HRC campaign had committed to a Russian smear campaign targeting her opponent DJT-nor anything else when he testified to congress about these “matters.” Also the same FBI that never secured the DNC servers that were supposedly hacked by the Russians, resulting in months and months of LSMBTG hysteria over this fact, when we later discovered the firm who the FBI allowed to do the forensics-Crowdstrike-told congress they had thin to no evidence of Russian involvement-in fact those data indicated-because of the speeds and the amount of data-that it was more likely locally written to a USB type device.

One puzzling thing about Snowden-if it is true that he was inspired to become a traitorous scumbag by lies to congress by officials (citing Clapper) and wanted to out the fact that NSA was spying on American citizens and lying about it-and of course it seems like it was actually the FBI using cut-out contractors-but why did he compromise other irrelevant to his angst information, like entire five year defense plan Congressional Budget Justification Book material and reems of other stuff that had nothing to do with the NSA allegations? And why didn’t he just go to congressman Schifty or somewhat like him-who seemed amenable to this type of material?

What I haven’t talked about is much of the before or after period to this key timeframe I focused upon from July-November 2016. I didn’t plan to venture beyond this period because there are myriad books, information, and analysis aplenty on these topics (Dan Bongino and others prolific on this topic.) We seem to get more everyday as freedom of information acts are finally responded to, Durham’s investigation plays out and the swamp is forced to give up the goods.

I started this piece because of the big and glorious deal Durham’s filing on Sussman represented, somewhat of the equivalent to what should have happened-the tremoring and rumbling of the swampy tectonic plates-when the 7 September 2016 Investigative Referral was sent to the FBI by the IC. The latter was not leaked, it was not cited in an LSMBTG piece, no deep throats picked it up, it was not inadvertently left on a desk in the McCain center where some intrepid journalist sleeping with a SSCI security chief copied it and published it or left it in a metro car: zippo, nada-nothing but swampy crickets. Neither did it show up as mitigating evidence in any of the attempts to take down DJT-particularly impeachment activity. I imagine the Referral would have been somewhat of a bombshell-that the three amigos (the lie firm of Mssrs Clapper, Brennan and Comey) would have had a sporty time explaining-the fact of-and what actions were taken as a result-other than the smearing of DJT? Cause that was evidence they had-representing more in that one referral-than any of them testified under oath they knew.

That is where this story goes: the insider network that communicated, coordinated, choreographed these actions and more importantly kept the principal players-like POTUS-clean and pursuing that “doing things by the book” that his administration was known to pursue (huge cosmic winky flipp’n winky.) Just like Bergdahl did his patriotic duty and like Whitey Bolger provided great service as a snitch to the FBI-while killing all his rivals.

How was all this choregraphed under the waterline with only a handful of juicy bread crumbs leaking out?

Max Dribbler

3 March 2022


LSMBTG: Lamestream Media Echo Chamber (LMEC-L) Social Media (SM) Big Tech Tyrants (BT) and Government (G)

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