An article that posted elsewhere two-years ago was entitled “You are faltering, Mister President”.
It began:
“Each shutdown day after May Day, Trump’s support drops a notch. He was conned by the Big Government Doctors. He said, ‘Two very smart people came into my office’. Though unnamed, we know who.”
Under the header “The President surrendered the U.S. economy,” it read:
“One, fawning, male admirer of Hillary Clinton. The other a CDC and PEPFAR advocate for the Clinton Foundation’s Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI). The President surrendered the U.S. economy to their judgment. And by May Day, nearly 30 million American workers will be unemployed. What was packaged as a way to save American lives, has morphed into a way to dispirit Trump’s base. And it’s working.
First, the white coats—a powerful symbol of scientific infallibility—downplayed the danger. Later, their complicit media converts their discounting into criticism of Trump. When their diagnosis shifts, their media, with hair-on-fire, chant the fear that millions of Americans will die unless the economy is closed.
There is no review or rebuttal from within the ‘scientific community’—an entity that, for now, retains the once impeccable, but now discredited, reputation of the ‘intelligence community’.
The politicians line up in support—bipartisan-like. Which means, of course, it cannot be challenged. Congress dispenses a cornucopia of financial aid with money recently printed by the Central Bank of Shangri-La.”
The President’s all-hands-on-deck approach toward marshalling the equipment needed to deal with the virus, and the rapid advance to a vaccine, was, unfortunately, not applied to gathering a brain trust of scientists from across the nation, and the world, to examine all aspects of the virus and, collectively, seek a remedy.
There was no “Manhattan Project” approach. The medical equivalent of the “Normandy Invasion” was planned by a small cadre of government employees. The mission was politicized.
Civilians with dissenting opinions were marginalized from the get-go. And, until relatively recently, remained so.
The President put his trust in the federal government’s scientific agencies. He forgot that they, too, are part of the Swamp.
So, politics elbowed pure science aside. How that happened is now becoming known.
Fast Forward to Today
We live in dangerous times. As divided as we were in 1861. Public confidence is declining.
Declining in the print, social, and televised media. In the Federal Government and its agencies.
In a ‘woke’ military establishment, and in the various halls of alleged Justice.
Declining In the fidelity of some major American industries that have gone global.
In K-12 public education, and in many universities.
And, due to the evolving analysis of Covid treatments, declining in the perceived efficacy of Big Pharma products.
In short, the pillars that support life in America are under scrutiny by a growingly skeptical population.
As skepticism slides toward cynicism.
Amidst this expanding chaos, the differentiation between the two-party political system is dissolving. Those with (D)’s and (R)’s after their names and states have increased the national debt to a point where sovereign debt default is inevitable.
It’s not if it comes, but when. As the Black Swan flies toward us.
Meanwhile, with short-term thinking, the (R)’s salivate at the possibility of gaining an advantage over the (D)’s in the midterm elections.
And half the nation wonders how we can survive three-more years of a brain addled, life-long politician as POTUS, and a VPOTUS who is the incarnation of ignorant silliness.
At the ground level, many of the American heroes of the Vietnam War were found in the Army Infantry and in the Marine Corps. When tactical storm clouds gathered on the horizon, some among the stone-cold realists spoke with sarcastic grit, saying,
“Cheer up. It’s darkest, right before it gets pitch ___ing black.”
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It’s easy to criticize the president. After all, everything he does gets criticized by someone.
It’s much harder to find the right solution when you get caught up in everything, as president, as Trump was, and then a biological attack on the world falls in your lap.
I’m not criticizing you, or anyone else, because I had my share of criticism, at the time, also. Just remember that a lot of the problem came from the individual states because the federal government could only go so far. Then, there was the media nonsense. For a non politician president to emerge, to get what he did accomplish, my criticism falls on the left, not President Trump.