Who remembers the tale of the Trojan Horse, a gift of the Greeks to the City of Troy? It was an illusion of friendship that resulted in the deception needed to breach the walls of the city.
Early during the Civil War, a small contingent of the southern army, under the command of General Magruder, repeatedly march across the front of the Union forces while they were aligning for an attack. The illusion created the belief that the Confederate Army was twice the size previously reported, so the Union forces delayed. This deception allowed southern reinforcements to arrive, turning the tide of battle against the North.
Mark Wilson was the first famous TV magician. He was a grand illusionist, he created Allakazam for those old enough to remember. He dated my mother during high school, living down the street in a Dallas neighborhood near SMU. I attended many of his local magic shows and I never knew where to look. I was always amazed when the object reappeared. On a side note, he died earlier this year at the age of 91.
Illusion is defined as the erroneous perception of reality. One of its main allies is deception. And when that is not enough, simply throw in some fear! Together, they conquer any foe that does not have the courage to cognitively examine what is under the sheets.
Is the China Virus an illusion? According to the CDC, they reported that only 8% of the “recorded” Covid19 deaths are due to the China Flu!! Yet, we are rapidly deploying vaccines, and it appears that we still need masks. All schools were shutdown, even though the evidence shows kids are not at a great risk. And now, the kids are afraid.
BLM, antifa and progressive socialists have been protesting the death of an unarmed black man in Minneapolis, George Floyd, for the past year. The illusion claims it was due to the systemic racism of the police. The Medical Examiner determined that the cause of death was a drug overdose and that there was no evidence of strangulation. Yet, a violent counter-revolution began using the excuse of George Floyd.
The progressive media created an illusion though their reporting (lies) that the protests in Minneapolis, Portland and numerous other cities were peaceful, even though buildings were burning behind the cameraman. The socialist media controlled the deception as more and more cities burned, while elected officials did nothing to protect the rights of those denied by the “peaceful” protests. The deception was that the protesters wanted justice, yet, those riots spread the fear of reprisal to all that would stand up against them.
Overnight during Election Day 2020, a huge lead by the incumbent in numerous States was eclipsed by the man that never campaigned in public and the woman that only campaigned in the dark. Simply more illusion and deception, more demonstrations and the constant banter that many people are disenfranchised from voting simply due to racism.
The pinnacle of illusion was the “attack” of the Capital. Every news channel used the words “breached and stormed” to describe the sad event. For those of us familiar with Texas history, there was once a breach and storming of the north wall of the Alamo. That categorically never happened at the Capital. In fact, only one person was killed, an Air Force veteran who was shot by a Capital guard for trespassing.
Most recently, the trial of Derek Chauvin was completed. The illusion depicted that systemic racism was why a white cop murdered an unarmed black suspect, George Floyd. Deception was used as “the big guns” were brought in by the State Attorney General to prosecute this serious case of racism. Fear was instilled in all the potential jurors as they watched their city being destroyed by anarchist thugs, while elected democrat socialist progressives did nothing to restore law and order.
The illusion was a fair trial. Racism was never discussed. The Judge was ignored, jurors were manipulated, threats were made as news channels showed the chaos in the streets. Most incredibly, US House Representative Dingbat, Mad Max Waters of California, on the steps of the courtroom, demanded that guilty was the only acceptable result or there would be increased demonstrations. Can one say fear? Derek Chauvin was convicted on all counts – he PURPOSEFULLY MURDERED FLOYD AND HE INVOLUNTARILY COMMITTED MANSLAUGHTER!
None of us were jurors, so let’s agree that the primary piece of evidence, THE VIDEO, was original. What did you see? Ignore the patter of the media, close your eyes and think!! And remember the Trojan Horse, Magruder, magicians, Election Night, the China Flu and the storming.
For over nine minutes, a cop kneels on the neck of a handcuffed Floyd, in broad daylight with witnesses and other police all around. Occasionally, Chauvin would adjust his knee while looking at the camera. Close your eyes and picture it.
For the prosecution, the video was all that was needed to convict. It was the illusion of the truth according to the State, and that truth would satisfy the lust of the mob.
In court, the testimony of the State Medical Examiner was completely ignored! Given the threats of the mob, what did the Medical Examiner have to gain standing by his official report, other than his integrity?
Look at Chauvin’s face. There was no hate, there was no anger, there was little emotion. Did he believe he was doing his job? Did he believe the illusion that Floyd resisted arrest, rather than the unknown truth that Floyd was struggling to live?
Did you see the other cops? Were they condoning the murder? Did anyone demand that the recording stop? Did anyone hide their faces, like the BLM and antifa terrorists? Very strange behavior unless they knew they were following proper protocol.
We have witnessed the power of the mob using illusion, deception and fear. Did you know that many great political philosophers call that a DEMOCRACY
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