Once upon a time, the ACLU stood for something. Its official statement was that it stood for the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. Now this wasn’t entirely true. The ACLU never really did much to support the second amendment. But it was a reliable supporter of the First Amendment, the Fifth Amendment, and pretty much anything having to do with the due process.
Now, they did make many people unhappy when they supported felons arguing against their convictions on what amounted to technicalities. But at the same time, they were consistent in their support. When the Nazis wanted to parade in a primarily Jewish suburb, the ACLU supported the Nazis and the right to protest. In other cases, the ACLU supported Jews against discrimination. The ACLU once supported the plain and simple language of the Bill of Rights.
But something happened in 2016. I had always left the ACLU in my news feed to see what they were supporting currently. Starting right after 2017, the ACLU appeals for money changed. They were no longer about Civil Rights. Suddenly, the ACLU was trying to raise money to attack President Trump. They were seeking money to file lawsuits against Trump specifically. They didn’t mention any specific action by Trump, but they were going to get Trump.
And what was the ACLU claiming? The usual suspects. Trump is a racist, they claimed ‘without providing evidence.’ Trump is an authoritarian, a dictator. Still ‘without providing evidence.’ Why do I put ‘without providing evidence’ in quotes? Well, most of you already know. But for those who don’t, that is the code that CNN and others like to use to pretend that they are not calling someone a liar. So yes, I am calling the ACLU liars.
After some research, I determined that the ACLU had filed 400 lawsuits against the Trump administration. 400. And they boast about it. Reading through the lawsuits they boast about the most, I think this is the most egregious: ‘A series of legal actions to protect abortion access for unaccompanied minors in immigration detention;’ In other words, they are encouraging minor girls to seek an abortion without consulting their parents. Since this is exactly what happens to victims of sex trafficking, I can only believe that the reason the ACLU filed this lawsuit was to victimize trafficking victims further and protect the rapists. This lawsuit of course follows the ACLU precedent of supporting well known Democrat rapists.
Needless to say, most of the other lawsuits filed by the ACLU have the same level of merit.
When it comes to the even more basic civil rights of free speech and due process, where ACLU made itself known originally, the recent record is even worse. They will not support groups whose values are “contrary to their values”. In other words, if you aren’t BLM, you don’t have the right to free speech in the eyes of the ACLU. Similarly, when the Trump administration came out with rules requiring due process for rape accusations on college campuses, the ACLU amazingly came out in opposition. To the most basic due process.
In the move ‘The American President’ which is otherwise an enjoyable romance, the very liberal president asks why his opponent is not a member of the ACLU. Well, we can look at the record of the ACLU today and answer that question. Because the ACLU no longer supports civil liberties. They are nothing more than a legal action abuse of the Democrat party.
As we look at the record of ACLU on Trump and free speech, it has become clear that it is time to challenge the ACLU’s claim that it stands for civil rights. The ACLU only cares about the civil rights exercised by its favorite groups. If a Republican has his or her civil rights violated, the ACLU will cheer it on. At the very least, the ACLU should be reclassified as a Democrat lobbying group.
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