If you look at the set of beliefs professed by any mainline Church, they will tell you that they believe in God. They will tell you that everyone has sinned and fallen short of what God wants. And they will tell you that you can be forgiven. And perhaps the most important claim by any church is always that it doesn’t matter what the crowd believe, it doesn’t matter what everyone knows. What matters is what is right. That is very much what I believe, and it is what the church I have belonged to all my life, the United Methodist Church, professes to believe.
Sadly, the United Methodist Church (UMC) no longer practices what it professes to believe. It no longer stands for the unpopular stance. It doesn’t matter what currently popular belief it is, whether climate change, LGBTQ rights, gun control, any current cultural issue popular within the Democratic party, the UMC will take up the cause.
Perhaps the worst of these currently popular causes that the UMC has taken up is ‘climate change’. It doesn’t take much research to discover that almost all of what is published by the major media about climate change is simply incorrect. Unimpeachable data proves that the rate of sea level rise is not accelerating, severe weather is not becoming more common, wildfires are not becoming more frequent, crops are not failing, etc. Climate change didn’t make the floods in Pakistan worse, it didn’t make the hurricane that hit Florida worse, it didn’t make any weather event worse. In fact, even if it had made them worse it could never be proven. In other words, the data is extremely clear that all the claims that the alarmist community and the Democrats routinely make about climate change are simple false.
In the US, and almost every developed country around the world has very extensive records on tides and weather. And the data is abundantly clear that there is no trend in any direction in sea level or any other ‘climate related event’. Even the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been forced to admit that there is no change in trends on extreme weather, and no increasing rate of sea level rise.
All the scary predictions made about climate change have been disproven by studies by unimpeachable sources such as NOAA and the EPA. Yet the UMC, the Democrats, and of course the alarmist community continue to harp on the dangers of climate change.
Yet the worst sinner of this alarmist cabal is the UMC. Not only are they simply going along with the popular crowd, but they are ignoring the consequences of their stance. While taking the ‘climate crisis’ stance, the UMC is also endorsing the simplest method to eliminate the non-problem. That is the reduction and elimination of the use of fossil fuels.
This stance by the UMC leads it into one of the most egregious sins. Fossil fuels, first coal, then oil and gas, have saved lives and built wealth. Thanks to fossil fuels, people no longer need to freeze in the winter. Thanks to fossil fuels, food crops have skyrocketed since 1900. But the UMC wants to eliminate fossil fuels.
The consequences of eliminating fossil fuels is highly predictable. Millions will die. There is no way to replace fossil fuels, especially in developing nations such as most of Africa. We have already seen what is happening in Britain as the government imposes massive price increases on natural gas and home heating oil. People are cold and will die of hypothermia over the winter due to artificial shortages. Yet still they demand that African countries forgo the use of their own petroleum resources, and instead move to solar and wind. Not even nuclear, which at least will produce reliable energy, though the plants themselves are expensive. In effect, the UMC is demanding that Africa remain poor, and that people die in order to solve a problem that simply doesn’t exist.
To make matters even worse, the church is so lost in its own self-righteousness that it refused to even discuss the issue. It is a classic case of the mind being made up, don’t bother them with the facts.
The UMC leadership right now should fall on its knees begging forgiveness from God for its overweening hubris in believing obvious falsehoods, yet they are too blinded by their own egos to admit that they are utterly wrong on the facts.
I would not be even a little bit surprised to see this level of hubris in a Democrat politician but seeing it in a Church is a very sad reflection on today’s society. Politics have completely overtaken the UMC. But the Church refuses to see it and won’t even take the time for even the most basic self-reflection.
At one time the Methodist Church was a leader in morality. Even taking unpopular stances, such as opposing the use of alcohol until the 1970’s and opposing state sponsored gambling. But today, the church rarely takes an official stance any different from the Democrat party, even when the stance is clearly in opposition to the UMC’s own stated principles. Whether its LGBTQ ministers, climate change, abortion, or any other popular topic, the Church’s official stance can be reliable predicted to correspond to that of the Democratic party, even to the point of splitting the church members from its leaders.
Yet perhaps their most egregious stance is on climate change. Simple, unbiased research will show that there is no crisis and no justification for radical, dangerous, action, but the UMC has chosen to follow the popular crowd and demand the right to kill hundreds of thousands, even millions, of the world’s poor in order to expiate its own imagined climate sins.
Right now, the COP 27 conference on climate change is meeting. In perhaps the most ridiculous bit of hubris I have ever seen, part of the conference plans on going to Mt Sinai to receive the ’10 commandments on climate change’. So now, they, the climate change community, is taking the place of the Lord God Almighty, and Moses combined. How can these people’s egos fit more than one in a room? Well perhaps that explains why they each took their own private jet to COP 27.
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Don’t feel lonely. I can’t think of any protestant or catholic church that is going against the “popular”grain, concerning most or all of those things, including climate change.
Most churches appear to have forgotten their role, and that is spreading the Word of the Bible, not of politics.
Just one more reason that my husband and I left the UMC. Good article!