Welcome Fellow Traveler, Max Knight

As we’ve noted in the past. American Free News Network is all about educating Americans, providing those same Americans an uncensored voice and along the way, growing the conservative movement. One of the ways we do that, is to associate ourselves with other individuals and organizations whom we believe share our value set.

If you look along the right side panel on our Home page, you can see a list of links to whom we consider fellow travelers. These are individuals and organizations with whom we might occasionally disagree on the proper technique to advance our cause, but we remain in steadfast agreement on the goal.

Today, American Free News Network would like to welcome Max Knight to our band of Fellow Travelers. Max is a Born-Again Christian and grandson of legal immigrants. He holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in Archaeology, Classical Archaeology, and Ancient History. Max is well-known as a “Conservative teacher” in many academic circles, having taught all ages, from inner-city school children to college students.

Welcome Aboard Max!


Follow Max on Twitter, Telegram, Truth and YouTube:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/maximus_4evr

Telegram: t.me/Maximus_4EVR

Truth: https://truthsocial.com/@Maximus_4EVR

YouTube: https://youtube.com/@Maximus_4EVR

Max’s Blog: https://www.maximus4evr.com/blog

Max’s AFNN Page: https://afnn.us/author/maxknight/

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